Chapter 21

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Noticing his own car already parked on the street, Jay pulled Hank's car into the gravel driveway. He turned off the car and immediately began unbuckling his seatbelt in preparation to go inside and see his daughters.

"Um..." At the sound of her voice, he turned towards Erin, noticing for the first time that she hadn't yet moved. "I think you should go in first." She paused, "Prepare the girls for..." she motioned towards her face, the white bandage that covered her jaw, the bilateral bruising around her hazel eyes, "All of this."

He wanted to object, almost did, but then he realized Erin kind of had a point. He had time to adjust to the sight of her like this, and it still saddened him each he looked at her. "Okay," he said, leaning over to kiss her gently.

"Just text me when it's safe to come inside," she requested.

He nodded, opening his door. "You going to be okay out here by yourself?"

She laughed at his question, lightening the mood substantially. "I think I can handle myself."

His smile was quick, wide, and full of pride. "Damn right you can." He was in awe of her.

He handed her the keys, knowing she would need to turn the car back on and blast the heat, or at least listen to the radio to stave off boredom. Then, he stepped out of the car, closed the door gently behind him, and began to walk towards the house.

He had only been the Voight's house a handful of times, all in the past few weeks to pick up Erin. Each time he had barely passed the threshold before Erin stepped out and they left together.

This time when he knocked, he felt the familiar sense of unease return. Relax, he chastised himself. Your daughters are in there. Just knock.

Finally, he lifted his hand and knocked twice against the large front door. He only had to wait a moment out in the cold before Voight opened the door and ushered him in.

"Hey, Sarg," he said, slightly awkward in his greeting.

He didn't return the greeting, instead he looked past Jay and out the door into the dark night. "Where's Erin?"

"Still in the car." Jay replied, "She wanted me to talk to the girls before she came in. Warm them, I guess."

Voight finally spotted Erin sitting in the passengers seat. The interior lights were on in the car, illuminating her in a soft glow. Exhaust fumes trailed out into the night air, signaling the car was running. He almost waved to her, but she was staring down at her phone and didn't seem to notice him staring at her.

He stepped back inside and closed the front door. "Probably a good idea," he said, finally looking at and addressing Jay. He was actually glad he had Jay alone for a minute. "How's she doing?"


"Daddy!" Maddie and Grace ran into the entrance, interrupting the two men. Jay immediately bent down and opened his arms. Each lunged into either side of him, and he lifted them up and squeezed them tight. He inhaled the scent of their strawberry shampoo, allowing it to relax him. He hadn't realized how much he needed to hold his girls after today. Past them, he gave Hank an apologetic look.

Hank watched Jay envelop his two daughters in a family hug, and dismissed the apology with a wave. Plenty of time to talk about Erin, he thought. "You can go into the living room," he nodded down the hall to direct him, knowing Jay wouldn't know where to go. "I'll give you all a minute."

Hank turned to leave, but stopped when Maddie called his name. "Sergeant Voight! Where are you going?" He turned back around as she continued, this time in a whisper. "Aren't we gonna show Daddy our fort?"

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