Jellybean is Here

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Alex is going over a reports on the latest alien activity when her phone rings "hey babe, what's up"

"Alex, my water broke. Can you please come home"

"Kara will fly me over baby, just breathe. Hey Kel" she says keeping her voice calm "I love you. You're perfect, my love" she finishes

"I love you too, Alex."

Alex ends the call and presses the button on her watch and Kara comes flying in landing on the balcony and rushes to Alex's office "Jellybean's on the way, let's go" they fly to the apartment and land in the living room. Kelly comes out of the room and sees them "everything is already in the car. Hi Kara"

"how are you so calm? anyway, I need to call Lena, she's going to meet us at the hospital, she insisted on being there in case anything happens, I'm going to fly over you until you get to the hospital and I'll let Eliza and James know.

"Kara, breathe and flying over us is excessive, Alex will be fine getting to the hospital" Kelly says.

"Nothing is more important than Jellybean right now. Let's go" Alex bursts out laughing.

"Someone is taking her aunty duties very seriously. Come on mommy". They get in the car and make their way to the hospital, Kelly is admitted after the nurse has hooked her to a fetal monitor to check the baby's heart rate and Kelly's contractions. The contractions are close and the OB comes to check how are dilated she is "alright mommy, almost time. Keep breathing, you're doing great. I'm going to get the doctor". The OB leaves the room "Kel, are you alright because I'm freaking out"

"Alex, we've prepared for this. I'm fine. I'm ready to get this kid out. I love you so much". Alex gives her a kiss on her forehead.

The doctor walks into the room with the OB "right let's do this. Take a deep breath and then push. I will tell you when to stop" the doctor says.

After a few pushes later and the sound of the baby screaming fills the room, Kelly collapses on the bed, Alex cuts the cord and she is holding her daughter in her arms "my little guardian" she whispers with tears in her eyes "you're so beautiful".

The nurse takes the baby from Alex to complete the checks to make sure everything is in order. "I'll be right back baby" Alex leaves the room and walks into the waiting room everyone is there with the exception of James and Eliza "It's a girl" she tells them with tears and the waiting room erupts in shouts and Kara breaks out in tears as she hugs Alex.

"They running routine checks, everything went well. Kelly is resting and no, I'm not telling you what we named her. You'll know when you meet her. Has mom called yet" she asks Kara

"yeah, she'll be here tomorrow. I said I'd pick her up but she said no. Oh, I messaged Sara and Iris told them jellybean is here. They said they'd come by in a few weeks once they've dealt with their business. They want to give Kelly time to adjust. Everyone is betting on baby names" she laughs

"only they would do something like this. I'm going back in, you guys can come back tomorrow when mom is here" Alex tells them

"okay, I have patrol tonight, I'll come back later. Love you Al". Everyone hugs her and leaves the hospital and Alex goes back to Kelly.

She walks into the room, the baby is lying on Kelly's chest. "Hey baby, you're good?" she asks

"yeah, I'm great. Everything is fine with Jellybean. She has your jawline" Kelly looks at the baby.

Alex blushes "she's perfect Kelly, like her mommy" she says softly as she looks at her daughter "I know I keep saying this Kel, but I love you so much. When you walked into the hospital, I didn't know we'd end up here and looking back on everything we have been through and everything we overcame, I wouldn't change a thing because I have you and you gave me a daughter. Kelly Olsen, you helped me heal, you are perfect and perfectly designed just for me. I'm beyond lucky that I get to spend the rest of my life with you"

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