Part 1

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She doesn't know how this happened. She doesn't even know how this is possible. She doesn't know anything really. She's confused. She can't keep this a secret though, she has to figure this out and it's not like she can tell Alex she can't see her tonight. They live together. They've been living together for a year already. Before they got together she knew Alex wanted a family; kids, wife, dog and everything else that comes with having a family. They were dating for a year before they decided to live together. They moved at their own pace, not rushing their relationship and she knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Alex. Alex was not what she expected, it just happened, it flowed. She thinks back to when they first met in the hospital after James was shot. Every moment between the two of them has always been one of support and understanding. She knew she trusted Alex when she had to make the biggest decision about James. When you run and hide from the world it's easy to forget what having a human connection feels like. It wasn't until Alex, that she really allowed herself to feel. Now she's pregnant.

She unlocks the door to their apartment, takes off her shoes, throws her keys in the bowl and heads to the room to change into something more comfortable. She's too nervous to cook anything, she texts Alex asking her to get dinner, which is not unusual. She wants to pour a glass of wine instead she gets a glass of water and sits on the couch. Today has been hard. How is she going to tell the love of her life that she's pregnant. They've spoken about kids even before they got together. Alex is going to know that something is wrong immediately. For all her military training, Kelly cannot lie. She has always been so trusting and open with people that it has put her in danger before. Alex will know. Alex has been trained to know when someone is lying, she's been trained to get information out of people without them even realising it and she knows how to read people. Alex will know.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she never heard the door open until Alex came over and kissed her "Hey Kel, how was work?" "It was good babe, just long. Thank you for getting dinner. Let's eat" she says to Alex hoping for a few more minutes so she can figure out how to approach the subject.
They sit comfortably on the couch "so how are things at the office? Are you making any progress with the lenses" Alex asks her, Kelly is unusually quiet, she always gets so excited talking about her job and how it will help people "we're just having a few issues. I want it to be safe for people to use" Kelly answers without looking at Alex.
Alex looks at Kelly with a frown "what's going on, Kel?" She asks "what do you mean?" Alex sighs "Kel, you've been so excited about these lenses, about the launch, talking about the issues you were having and how it will help people. You've barely said anything about it and Kara said you cancelled lunch with her today and you sounded weird when you called her". Kelly sighs knowing she can't keep this a secret, they've never kept anything from each other. Alex may have kept things from her about her job but that came to an end soon after their first kiss. Communication has always been important to both of them especially Alex. Even though she doesn't like talking about her feelings, being with Kelly has made it easier and she's starting to see that she can talk about her dreams and fears without feeling foolish or fearing Kelly's reaction. She turns to face Kelly "babe listen, whatever it is you know you can tell me. We've dealt with so much already and I know Kara may be a little too invested in our relationship but you know how she is and she loves you" "I'm pregnant" she whispers interrupting Alex.

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