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Since she became Supergirl, billboards have gone up with her crest, quotes to inspire, tshirts and cards. National City loved their Superhero and would always honour their girl of steel.

She was out her morning patrol when she heard a kids screaming, she made her way to the sound of the children's voices. A bus driver was unable to stop the bus and it was filled with school children. She got there in time to stop the bus from crashing into another car. She makes sure that the kids are alright and no one has been injured. A chorus of "thank Supergirl" from the kids has Kara entertaining the children and answering their questions. She asks them about school, what they enjoy doing and what they'd like to become when they're older and receives some interesting responses, "when my niece or nephew is born, I hope they grow up to help people and make the world a better, safer place. You can do anything you want to, just remember to always work hard, love what you do and always lend a helping hand, that way we all can make a difference in the world" the children's eyes widen realising what she had just told them "you have a sister?" one of the kids ask her "Yeah, I do. She's amazing and she also helps people, protects them and keeps them safe. As strong as I am she's always protected me" she didn't need to go into the details of her family "wow. A whole family of Supers" one girl says. Kara smiles at them "bye guys" and flies off.

It's game night and everyone is at Kara's apartment, Nia is on her phone checking her Twitter "uhm Kara" she looks up at Kara with a frown "yeah what's up, Nia" and Nia hands her the phone and Kara looks at it "oh my word!" "Kara, what's wrong?" Lena asks "uhm" she hands Lena the phone "can you guys spit it out already" Alex says sounding irritated "so uhm Alex".

"No, I don't want to know" Alex interrupts

"Kara what happened?" Kelly asks rolling her eyes at Alex.

"Kelly I don't know how you put up with her? I know what I'm talking about I lived with you, you're so impatient sometimes. Anyway, so I saved some kids this morning and they posted thank you messages on Twitter" Kara finally tells them.

"So what's the big deal, we know people do this for you and Nia" Alex says.

Lena hands the phone to Alex showing her a video of a little girl and she presses play "Thank you for saving us today, Supergirl. One day, I want to help people just like you and your sister. You're going to be a super aunt" the video ends.

"Kara Zor-El Danvers"

"Alex, I was talking to them you know how I like to entertain the kids for a little bit sometimes and then I kinda just mentioned that I hoped my niece or nephew will also help people one day, then they were so surprised I had a sister and they called us a family of Supers and I just let them. They're children, Alex".

"Firstly, all the Danvers-Olsen kids are going to fight for justice and stand up for what is right, so will the Luthor-Danvers kids and second of all "Alex!" Lena, Kara and Kelly interrupt she rolls her eyes as if she didn't know why they interrupted her "second of all, have you seen how many retweets and other messages have popped up. People are still talking about Dreamer's baby news and that was days ago".

"Okay so you're not mad" she says with a smile and look of pure innocence "you know what, we can't be mad. All of you with the exception of James and Brainy seem to still be children" Alex says.

"Brainy!" Nia says "Alex do you even know what Brainy did?" "Yeah, he made Kelly the bracelet to monitor jellybean" Alex says "it really was impressive, Kelly wouldn't let me put upgrades on her car after the martian attack and then Brainy put a tracker on her" she laughs "genius".

Kelly looks at Nia as she rolls her eyes in disbelief "Nia what are you talking about" Kelly asks

"Nia Nal, please. We're not discussing me, all of National City knows now that Supergirl's sister is having a baby, we must devise a plan so no one discovers who her sister is" he says plainly.

Nia looks at them with a look that says "see, I told you, you don't know everything"

"Nia, spill what did he do?" Kara asks

"We were at Noonan's getting lunch and they handed him boxes so I opened it to see what it was. Remember the time he ordered all that food for me and had it delivered to the office, I thought it was a repeat. Anyway, I opened one box and it was cakes with "I'm Uncle Brainy now" frosting on the cake. He knew when Alex wouldn't be there and took the cakes to the DEO for everyone. Everyone started calling him Uncle Brainy and he would actually blush a little"

"Brainy!" everyone shouts at him, he finally looks at them as he is broken out of his thoughts "you got cake for everyone at the DEO and we weren't even there" Kara asks as she points between her and Alex and he looks shy with a little smile and everyone starts laughing.

Kelly is up first and hugs him "you never cease to surprise me Brainy. Jellybean is the luckiest bean in the world because they have you. You really are going to be an excellent Uncle" he blushes at Kelly's praise his eyes shining holding back his tears "is it usual to leak from your eyes even when you're happy?" They all gather around him and throw their arms around him "yeah Brainy, it tends to happen".

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