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Since Lena took over from Lex and rebranded the company, she has always been driven to improve the lives of people. She has over the years donated money and medical equipment to various hospitals in National City, donated to schools and children's homes. She's always been a very private person and rarely publicly makes donations. This year though, this year is special.
She invited everyone down to the National City Children's Hospital. No one knew why she invited everyone but they came anyway. Reporters were there and various hospital staff, families and friends of patients were all there to see Lena Luthor.

"Thank you all for coming. When I first came to National City, I didn't know anyone and all I wanted to do was a chance to prove that I was more than my last name. I wanted to do good. I wanted to help people. National City gave me a family, a home" she looks over at her the family she was part of and smiles "and for all the love I have received, I wanted to give something back to you so L-Corp will be donating new medical equipment to National City Children's Hospital as well as another wing to the Hospital". People start clapping and she can hear sound of cameras taking shots, she gives her audience a small smile "I recently found out that I'm going to be an aunt and I want to leave a legacy that will inspire my niece or nephew to always do good for others. I will continue to work to make this City better not only for my niece or nephew but for everyone in National City. Thank you" she walks off the podium as reporters starts shouting questions.

She's in her office and her phone rings "Ms. Luthor, Ms. Danvers and Ms. Olsen are here to see you" "Thanks Jess, let them in". "Did you learn nothing from Nia's little stunt" Alex questions as she walks in to Lena's office "Alex, we're way past the stage of you trying to intimidate me" Kelly laughs "she's right" then turns to Lena "and how are you always so put together but blurt out you're having a niece or nephew" Kelly asks

"Okay that wasn't planned. All those families with their kids and I got a little carried away and I never mentioned your names so you can't be mad. Kara is going to hold this over my head for a long time. Uhm" she looks away from both of them. Alex rolls her eyes "what did you do and don't say nothing".

"You can't be upset. I'm going to name the building after the baby" she says quickly.

"You're what!" they say almost shouting. "Keep your voices down" Lena says.

"Look the hospital said I could and since we don't know what you're going to name Jellybean, it's fine for now. My lawyers will draw up NDA's for every employee at the hospital so no one can say anything until the wing is complete. This is for Kara and Eliza as much as it for you. The Luthor's have enough buildings with their name on it. Both of you have done so much for this City and more important than that, you've given me a family. There is no amount of money in this world that can give me what this family has given me. So I decided that the building will be named Jellybean Danvers-Olsen until we know their actual name" she laughs "I'll only do an interview with Nia since Kara's name is going on the building."

"I expected reckless behaviour from Kara and James, but not you and Nia. Okay, maybe Nia she posted when we told everyone. Kel, we can't win with them" Alex says with tears in her eyes. "This is extravagant, even for you Lena" Alex tells her.

Lena shrugs "Luthors are always extravagant. I'm just trying to be extravagant about the right things. Okay so I wanted to gloat as well, I'm actually going to have a niece or nephew" she walks over to her cabinet and picks up a framed picture of the scan they gave her of Jellybean and looks at them "Kara doesn't know about the naming. I'll tell her soon".

Kelly hugs her "we're not mad, we'll have to do lunch here or at my office now. People are going to be following you until they guess about the baby. This is alot, Lee" Kelly tells her "Jellybean is going to love you" she let's go of Lena "we'll let you get back to work. Love you" Alex hugs her "you were great out there" and they leave her office.

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