Chapter 3

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Kian's P.O.V:

"What do you mean Jc?" I asked as he walked towards me.
"Kian do you maybe have feelings for me?" Jc asked and took my hand. I didn't say anything but I know my face was getting red. I wanted to tell Jc everything, like how I have really liked him for along time and the stuff I read out our fans shipping us and how I wish he was mine. But what if I do and I ruin our great relationship we have now.
"Kian?" Jc asked and got closer to me.
"Jc I-" I started to say but I was cut off by his lips pressed against mine. I got closer to Jc making it hard to break the kiss. As I kissed him I wondered what this ment, did Jc like me back? Where did this take us? I hope somewhere... <3

Jc's P.O.V:
I just kissed Kian... I don't know why I did it, it's just I was caught in the moment. Maybe I do like Kian... I don't know if I do or not and where this takes us, and I already know how he feels about me but he doesn't know how I feel about him. I do like Kian.
I pulled away from the kiss and looked at him, I didn't know what to say. So I just walked away. Since I walked away he probably thinks I don't like him. ...

Later on:
I was sitting in my room and was on my computer trying to look for that wattpad story but I couldn't find it because there was so many of them. I was scrolling down to find it when Kian texted me.
Kian✌️(this is a text message)
Kian: Hey Jc
Jc: Hey
Kian: So about earlier...
Jc: What about it?
Kian: I was going to tell you that I had feelings for you but I just didn't know how because what if it ruined our friendship because you didn't feel the same way.
Jc: ...
Kian: Jc I love you.❤️
Jc: I love you too Kian.

That moment I realized that I had feelings for Kian, I loved him.

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