Chapter 12

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Back in L.A. (Kian's P.O.V):
"Don't you think your over-reacting?" Connor asked me. I showed up Connor's apartment and asked him if I could stay with him for a little while.
"Maybe but please Connor just for a little?" I asked him. I did a little pouty face that made him giggle.
"Fine, but I hope you don't mind that Troye is here too." Connor told me. I smiled as Troye came out from the kitchen.
"Nope I don't mind. Oh hey Troye." I said as I walked into Connor's apartment. Troye waved and smiled at me. I set my stuff down and walked over to the couch and watched tv with Troye & Connor.

Jc's P.O.V:
I was on my way to Me & Kian's house to see if Kian was there. And i'm hoping
that when I get there he will be waiting for me on the porch and he will give me a big hug and all of this hurt would go away. But that's not what happened.

I got to our house and opened the door, I saw that Kian was gone. He took all of his stuff but one thing was left behind. A picture of us. We were mid-laughing. I touched Kian's face with my finger and I felt tears come down my face. Then I felt rage come over me. Lia did this. It's her fault that he's not with me anymore. I threw the picture of Kian and I at the wall, the frame cracked and there was glass on the floor.

I didn't bother to pick the glass up, I went into my room and put headphones in and I listened to music that reminded me of Kian. I know that's a bad thing to do because of how sad I am. Each song made me shed a tear. I missed Kian so much, it hurts not having him with me. As I was listening to music someone texted me. I was hoping it was Kian, but no. It was Lia.

-Hey, i'm sorry about coming between you & kian. I never ment to hurt you or him. I guess I was just caught up in the moment and I missed you so much. But I really hope you can forgive me. I want to help you.-

I didn't know if I should reply to her. Like what did she mean by 'I want to help you'. After a minute or so I decided to text her back.

-I'm sorry too, like for freaking out on you. I am just really hurt about the break up. What do you mean 'help me' ?-

It didn't take long for her to reply back.

-I am going to help you get kian back. And thank you for accepting my apology, I don't know what I would have done if you didn't except it and I ruined a relationship. :)-

It suprised me when she said she was going to help me get Kian back. Lia the girl who had feelings for me and kissed me in the park is now helping me get back my boyfriend. Maybe I shouldn't be so mad at her. But at this point I will do anything to have Kian back in my arms and never let him go. He needs to know that.

-Lia you don't have to, I know how you feel about having feelings for me. This would just make it worse for you.-
-Jc, I want to help you. Just let me, i'm fine trust me. I'll be at your house in 10-
-Okay if you really want to, see you in 10.-

I locked my phone and went downstairs to go wait for Lia to arrive.

Connor's House (Kian's P.O.V):
After the movie finished, I was the only one awake. I turned off the tv and seen Connor & Troye cuddling, they were both asleep. It made me miss Jc even more. Maybe I should talk to Jc...

I start feeling pain again in my wrist. I went into the bathroom and took the bandages off from my wrist and threw them in the trash bin next to the sink. I cleaned them up a little with a wet towel, it stung when the towel hit my cuts. After I cleaned up I put fresh bandages on. I took the trash out so Connor or Troye wouldn't see the bandages. If they did I would have to tell them about cutting myself and then they would be all worried and I don't need more problems.

I walked into the kitchen to get something to eat and all Connor had was Nutella. I decided to go on a shopping trip to get better food.
I got my phone and Connor's car keys, I even left him a note so he wouldn't search everywhere for his keys.

At the Store:
I walked around the store grabbing anything that looked good to me. I grabbed some chips off a shelf when I got a text from Lia then one from Jc.
What did they text me to rub it in how their relationship is going so well? yeah i'm so fucking happy for you two. I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket. I kept walking when I bumped into someone. And that someone was Andrea Russett.

"Oh sorry Andrea." I said to her, I helped her pick up her things she dropped from her basket.
"It's fine." Andrea said and she smiled. "Hey where's Jc?" She asked me. I didn't want to answer but that would be rude if I didn't.
"Um, we uh broke up..." I said trying not cry. She pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around her.
"I'm so sorry Kian." Andrea said, it made me feel a little better when she said that. Even though she did try to come back for me when I was with Jc, Andrea is still a good friend. We both forgot that we were in public and some people were staring at us. I pulled away and wiped one of my tears away. "Well I got to go but if you ever need someone to talk to, i'm here for you." Andrea said and she smiled. I smiled back at her and she walked away. It felt good to have a friend. But I never would have guessed it would be Andrea.
Do you think that Andrea is really going to help Kian? Will Jian come back? You don't know but I do😏😂 see ya when I see ya! xoxo, Destiny😘💖

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