Chapter 29

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In Hawaii: (Kian's P.O.V)
"Paradisee." I said and held my hands out. I turned around and looked at Jc who was laughing at me. "What? It is paradise." I said and smiled.
"Come on let's just get to our hotel." Jc said and he smiled, I nodded my head then we rode to our hotel.

At the hotel:
"Okay so what's first on the list?" Jc asked me, I sat up on the bed and smiled at him.
"Parasailing." I said, he smiled back and nodded his head.

-Jc's P.O.V-
"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked the guy who was hooking Kian and I up.
"Of course it's safe." The guy said, but I still wasn't sure.
"It's okay babe, i'm here with you." Kian said and he smiled. I smiled back and soon we were lifted into the air.
"Oh my god. We are so fucking high." I said and my hands started getting sweaty.
"If your scared just look at me." Kian said, I turned my head and looked at him. I smiled then Kian pulled out his phone. I gave him a kiss and he took a picture. "It's perfect." Kian said and he smiled.
"Just like you." I said, Kian looked up at me, smiled then I gave him another kiss. Soon we were getting lower into the water, parasailing wasn't that bad. I actually liked it.

After we got done parasailing Kian and I went out to dinner. Then after we were done eating dinner we decided to go walk on the beach and watch the sunset.

"You know we haven't been here that long and i'm already having a great time." Kian said, he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.
"I am to. I get to spend it with the best person in the world." I said, Kian looked up at me and smiled.
"Hey! Let's write our names on the sand." Kian said, I nodded my head and grabbed a stick from behind me. Kian did the same and began writing his name. I wrote my name then I wrote '#Jian was here' I looked up at Kian who was smiling at me. "I love it." Kian said, I smiled back and gave him a hug.

1 hour later:
"The sky looks so beautiful at night." I said and pointed at the sky.
"I couldn't agree more." Kian said and he smiled. "Look those stars make a heart." Kian said and he pointed to the stars.
"Yeah, and those kinda look like a smiley face." I said and pointed into the other direction. I looked at Kian and he smiled then yawned. "Do you want to go back to the hotel?" I asked Kian. He shook his head and moved closer to me. I wrapped my arms around him and he buried his face in my chest.
"Goodnight Jc." Kian said and I smiled.
"Goodnight Kian." I said back and soon we both fell asleep.

The Next Day: (Kian's P.O.V)
"Goodmorning." Jc said as I looked up at him.
"Goodmorning. How long have you been up?" I asked him.
"Only a few minutes." Jc told me. I nodded my head and smiled.
"So what's on the agenda for today?" I asked Jc. He shrugged then he smiled, I could tell he had something in mind.
"Swimming with Dolphins or snorkling." Jc said. I nodded my head then smiled.
"I've done snorkling before so how bout swimming with dolphins?" I asked Jc and he got up from the blanket and smiled.
"Let's go swim with dolphins!!" Jc shouted and I laughed. He picked me up bridal style and ran to the hotel.

A half an hour later:
I put on my goggles and jumped into the water, Jc did the same once I was done.

"Ok, so all you have to do is grab onto their dorsal fin and they will take you away! They sometimes take you underwater. If need any help I will be right here." The girl said and she smiled.
"What are their names?" I asked the girl.
"That one is Ginger and the one your riding is Penny." The girl told us. I nodded my head and smiled. I grabbed the fin and the dolphin started swimming. It was really cool and fun.
"This is so cool!" Jc shouted, I turned back and smiled at him.
"Yeah it is!" I shouted back. He laughed and I smiled. I put on my goggles and went underwater. I seen Jc underwater and I waved to him. He waved back and we swam up to the surface. I never wanted this trip to end or this day.

Later that Night at Dinner: (Jc's P.O.V)
"Today was amazing." I said to Kian.
"Yeah it was. I'm glad you had idea to do that." Kian said and he smiled.
"I'm glad you picked that idea." I said and we both laughed.
"Here is your Salisbury Steak and your Barbecue Ribs. I hope you enjoy your meal." Our waitress said and she down the food infront of us. I smiled at her and she smiled back then she walked away. I cut a piece of my steak and ate it. Let me tell you it was good.
"This is so good." Kian said and I laughed at him. "What's funny?" He asked me.
"You have barbecue sauce everywhere." I said and giggled. I picked up a napkin and wiped the sauce from Kian's face off.
"Your such a great boyfriend." Kian said and he smiled.
"Just eat your food." I said and giggled. Kian smiled then we continued to eat our food.

At the hotel:
"I'm stuffed." Kian said and he fell back onto the bed.
"Me too." I said and layed next to him.
"Ready for bed?" Kian asked me, he turned over and looked at me.
"Yeah." I said and got under the covers. Kian smiled then got under the covers after me. He cuddled up against me and we both fell asleep. I was tired and tomorrow is a big day. Not only for me, but for Kian too.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter lol cause I liked writing it hehe.
see ya! -Destiny😘

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