Chapter 6

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Kian and Jc's House (Kian's P.O.V):
I was upstairs in my room and I heard someone knock on the door. Jc wasn't home so I thought maybe it was Jc because he didn't wanna open the door. I walked down the stairs and I opened the front door. It wasn't Jc. It was Andrea.

"Andrea what are you doing here?" I asked her and I let her inside.
"Is Jc home?" Andrea asked me.
"No, why?" I asked her.
"Just wondering, can we talk?" Andrea asked.
"Talk about what?" I asked.
"Us." Andrea said.
"What about us?" I asked her.
"Kian, I missed you more than I thought I would." Andrea told me.
"Andrea, i'm sorry but I only like you as a friend, and plus i'm with Jc now and I really like him." I told her.
"Kian please, I love you." Andrea said and she tried to kiss me but I moved away.
"Andrea you need to go before Jc comes home." I told her and I opened the front door for her to leave.
"Just think about it, and call me if you change your mind." Andrea said and walked out of the house.
"Andrea your gonna be waiting for that call for a long time." I said and shut the door in her face, then I walked back upstairs to my room.

At the store (Jc's P.O.V):
I just finished getting groceries for Kian and I and now i'm going to my car. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out and seen Kian was calling me.

"Hey." I said while putting the bags in the trunk.
"Hey, when are you coming home?" Kian asked me.
"In like 10 minutes, why?" I asked him.
"Because i'm just a little lonely and also Andrea came over." Kian told me.
"What? Why did she come over?" I asked Kian.
"She wanted to talk about me and her." Kian told me.
"What do you mean you and her? Like getting back together?" I asked.
"Exactly like that. She even tried to kiss me but I didn't let her." Kian said.
"Wow, you told her that you were with me now right?" I asked.
"Uhh yeah she should know that without me even telling her." Kian said.
"Well now she gets the memo that your taken." I said and Kian laughed.
"Yeah hopefully she does." Kian said.
"I'll be home in 10 mins." I said.
"Ok, see you when you get here, love you." Kian said and I smiled.
"I love you too." I said and hung up the phone. I shut the trunk and got into my car and drove home.

Jenn, Arden, Lauren and Andrea's House (Andrea's P.O.V):
I knew that was a bad chance, that Kian wouldn't want to get back together with me. I just thought maybe he would, because I do really miss him. But like he said he likes Jc so I should be happy for them and not try to break them up.

Kian and Jc's House (Kian's P.O.V):
I was just on Instagram when Jc came home. I walked out to his car and opened the trunk to help him with the bags.
"Did you get good stuff?" I asked Jc.
"Yeah." Jc said and he carried a bag to the front door.

After we got the bags in and all put away, Jc and I went out to the pool. I walked over and stood on the edge of the pool when Jc pushed me in. The water wasn't very warm. I swam up to the surface and Jc stood above me laughing at me.

"Fucking bitch!" I shouted and Jc laughed again.
"Here let me help you up." Jc said and he reached out his hand, and grabbed a hold of his hand and I pulled him into the pool, it made a big splash, when he came up I laughed at him and he splashed me.
"Oops." I said and laughed again, I pulled myself up and got out of the pool.
"Your not even gonna help me out?!" Jc shouted from behind me, I was already walking inside the house.
"Nope sorry." I said and laughed and I kept walking inside.

Hiya!! Ooo something happened with Andrea!! 😱
Well she is going to wait a long time for that call tho😂. See ya when I see ya xoxo, Destiny😘✌️

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