𝑆𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑚- Chapter 4

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                                 Y/N's POV.
It's been a day since Clay and George left and I've been trying to return to how my day normally goes but it's been hard to get Clay off my mind. I had given them enough supplies for the journey back to the SMP but my heart races at the thought of him.
I was running low on sugarcane for swiftness potions, it was sort of a necessity- I didn't have any places I could get sugarcane so I would have to do some traveling.
"The nearest place is a two day travel.. for sugarcane too.. alright. I can do some traveling! Yeah!"
I said trying to hype myself up, I started to grab thing I would need.
Food, things to keep me warm, potions, and goggles in case of a storm.
I had gotten all my necessities and prepared to go. I slipped my stuff in a bag, slipped on my boots, grabbed my staff, and slung it in its pouch that ran across my back. My bag was slung over my shoulder and I put my (H/C) hair in a tight ponytail to keep it out my face, I placed the goggles atop my head and got ready for my journey.
Time skippy a day because :)
What a day to go for an adventure!
The snow was coming down heavily along with hard hard winds that burned my lungs. I had a cloth wrapped around my mouth and nose but the wind still got to me, my goggles had broken so it was difficult to see. The snow blew heavily in my eyes burning them as I walked forward, I found a small cave. I hesitated saying something due to my burning throat, I stumbled in the cave and saw a faint light at the end. I wielded my staff and started walking towards it.
I wanted to make sure it was safe to stay the night. When I got there I saw a familiar face.
I rubbed my blurry eyes to remove the snow off my face and too get a better look and saw..
Brown hair, red cape, white goggles, crown.
And that was it, George.
Wake him up
Was repeated multiple times in my head but instead I left a potion labeled 'George/invisibility'  it was a three minute invisibility potion. I didn't wanna leave without leaving a gift, I left the cave with no sight of Clay.
Wait, where was Clay, out the corner of my eye I saw green out the corner of my eye and hid. I wanted to talk to him, why was I hiding? I was behind a larger tree I was covered in snow and couldn't be seen, I heard him enter the cave calling out George's name and just shook it off and continued my journey.
I was walking, away from George, away from Clay.
I had made it rather far when I had to take a break, my legs were sore from the constant traveling and my eyes and throat were sore. I wanted to keep moving but I couldn't keep moving anymore, my legs wanted to collapse. I sat next to a tree not wanting to continue.
I can't do this, I'm not far to get sugarcane. I'm almost out of supplies, I'll just take a brief rest.. in the snow.. Alone.
Dream's POV.
George and I had warmed up so we can continue our journey, while we were walking George had said something about a potion.
"So I found an invisibility potion with my name on it, it came out of nowhere!"
I was confused, an invisibility potion?
"It's a s I g N George!"
I had said laughing.
I had noticed a (F/C) gem on a stick, it was the Same gem Y/N had, wait.. the potion, the gem, and the person with the stick, THE PERSON WITH THE STICK-
"George!! That's an actual person!"
Of course I had ran towards them as George followed, after getting a good look at them I had realized..
"It is Y/N.."
I had checked her pulse, George was silently panicking behind me, she was alive. I tried to shake her awake, no response. I had looked at George, and signaled to her bag and staff.
"Carry those. We need to get out of here. Quick."
I had a stiffness in my voice that I didn't intend, I was scared.
"Alright! Come on pick her up! Let's find a place to spend the night!"
George had said, George wasn't the one to help people but this was a matter of life or death.
We had grabbed her and found the cave again, the wood we were burning was now charcoal and would be easier to burn.
George set her stuff next to a wall, I had taken out a blanket she gave us and lied her down and covered her with it. I was in a panic to get her warm, it was visible.
George had placed his hand on my shoulder and nudged to the small fire he had started.
"We're gonna need more wood, give her my cloak and I'll see if I could find some. Take a cloth from something and melt up some snow, after warming it make a hot compress. I'll be back Dream"
He was calm, George did well in stressful situations. It was his job as king. He was a smart guy.
After George came back Y/N had started to move around slightly, after getting the hot compress on her face her breathing fastened to a normal pace.
"Calm down dream, she's ok. Take a step back and relax, let her rest.."
He was right but I didn't want to let her go... I had hesitantly let go of her ice cold hand and stood up and walked away. I had taken a seat on the opposite side of her so I could still keep my eye on her.
I lied down and gazed at the cave roof getting stuck in my own thoughts.
What was Y/N doing?
Why did she go alone?
What if she doesn't wake up?
All these thoughts racing in my head until I felt my eyes droop shut, the last words before falling asleep were from George.
"The snow storm should end in a few hours. We'll rest till then. Goodnight dream!"
I couldn't respond, I had fallen asleep as he finished his sentence.
1007 words
A/C- hi- so it's 1am and I'm watching a Quackity stream instead of sleeping! I love you! 💙💙

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