Chapter 6

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RECAP FROM LAST CHAPTER: " uh movie night...," I trail off knowing Juicy is not gonna come if it was for that reason, "I call dibs on sitting by (Y/N)," Eddie says before picking (Y/N) up and throwing him over his shoulder, "Eddie put me down," (Y/N) says with a laugh as Eddie carries her to living room, "I'll be there in 10," Juicy says before hanging up. I also end the call and walk to the living room confused.
  (Y/N) P.O.V

   Eddie throws me on the couch almost on top of Reekid, I let out a huff, he tries to sit beside me but I put my legs on the rest of the couch blocking him from doing so. He simply picks my legs up and sits down letting my legs rest on his lap, "are you two done, jeez why is everything horn dogs around here," Reekid states annoyed, causing us to laugh. Grant is sitting by Mully on the other end of the couch, and Josh is in one of the armchairs, while Reekid sits in the middle, "where's Smashing?" I ask noticing he's not here, "probably with Juicy," Mully states.

  I lock eyes with Josh for a minute before looking away, I don't hate him for asking those questions or making me tell him, but I don't really like him either. I mean he seemed nice, maybe he is just wanted to be in power because knowledge is power or I think that's the saying but I felt mortified for now thy know and won't look at me the same, giving me pity and just always feeling sorry for me, I hate that. "Finally mate, we've been sitting here forever, sit your asses down so we can watch this bloody movie," Mully basically yells at Smashing and Juicy when they walk in, earning a couple laughs from Eddie, Reekid and Grant.

  Juicy walks up to Reekid, "sit in the armchair," he tells Reekid who rolls his eyes but does what he says when Juicy sits down I feel his eyes on me causing me to be a bit uncomfortable, someone hits play on the movie and a disturbing scene alright pops up. A family has nooses and bags on there heads and a saw is cutting into the tree the family to tied to, as the saw finally cuts off the branch the family starts to be raised off the ground hanging to death slowly. I look away as they try ad fight to stay alive, "well that's good way to start a movie off," Mully says causing a couple Snickers from the boys.

  As the background of the story goes on the movie start to get scary. Ugh I hate scary movies, I mean I'll watch them but I really won't enjoy them. I have a feeling that a jump scare is about to come on and I lean closer to Eddie my feet now in the floor because the last jump scare I almost kicked Eddie in the face. I hide my face behind Eddie shoulder and I hear the dramatic jump scare sound effects causing me and Eddie to jump, Eddie let's out a laugh and I just stay hidden behind his shoulder.

  I peak at the movie and see it looks like another jump scare is about to come on, "does anyone want anything to drink?" I say standing up, all of them say yeah and I make my way to the kitchen, I let out a sigh, I swear scary movies are too much for me  I open the fridge and get a couple bottles of water out and set them on the counter. "Need help?" I hear a voice behind me say causing me to jump and hit my head off the top of the fridge, "sorry didn't mean to scare you," Josh says, I rub my head, "it's fine," I'm not sure on what else to say as it goes into a awkward silence, "I'm sorry about the other day, I was a bit dickish, getting into stuff that you don't want to share, I just wanted to know and we'll you know what they say curiosity killed the cat," Josh say but I feel like he ain't really sorry, "no it's fine, you guys were gonna find out anyways " but I still accept his apology.

  And he smiles at me and I give him a small one back. "Well we should probably get back to the movie," I say as I grab the bottles of water but Josh just grabs my hand stopping me, I look at him fear growing in my stomach, "just wait I would like to talk to you more," he lets go of my hand and I nod trying to swallow my fear. "So is your mother alive?" When he asks this I sigh, I should have known he was only gonna ask about my past, "that I'm aware of, yes she is," Josh nods at that. "Do you known where she is?" I think for a minute,"uh I think she last told me she was in Georgia but I'm not sure exactly where," Once I said that Josh smiles, "well we better get back to the movie then," I nod and pick up some bottles of water and Josh helps me.

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