Chapter 1

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  Your day began like normal went to work for 8 hours, came home watched TV for a bit made dinner then decided to play your favorite game for a bit. You walked into your small gaming room and sat in your chair and put on your headset and played rdr2, you're just riding around on your horse when you suddenly hear a loud thud in your kitchen causing you to jump. You take off your headset and quietly get up. Thump, thump, thump, thump. You place a hand on your racing heart and take a deep breath in and out before opening your door and peeking out into the kitchen, when you see nothing you open it a bit more and poke your head out looking around.

  When you don't hear or see anything you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in, you walk into your kitchen looking for the cause of the noise, and by your counter was a knocked over a picture of you and your best friend.  You freeze wondering how that fell off the counter it was placed in the middle. Your breathing quicken up when you feel yourself being watched, whipping yourself around, a tall figure stands there looking down at you. You walked back and bump into the counter behind you, your eyes are wide open in shock and your body is trembling.

  "Shhh honeybunches," the tall figure says in a deep voice sending goosebumps down your arms, as he walks closer to you, you just stay still not knowing what to do, he puts a cloth around your mouth and nose, the chemicals enter your lung making you feel dizzy, the tall man wraps his around you holding your limp body as you feel faint, "let go...please...don't do this," you mumble as you can no longer keep your eyes open and soon darkness wraps around you and you sleep.

1st P.O.V

    "Shit my head hurts," I lift my hand and rub my head trying to ease the pain, I open my eyes and see nothing but darkness then remember what happened and immediately sit up and try to look around, I noticed I'm on a bed but that the only thing I can make out, so I get off the bed and feel around the room looking for a light switch. When I think I found one I flip it and the room lights up, I close my eyes not used to the light yet but open them a couple of seconds later.

     I regret the decision as the room is covered in dry blood and writing, some of the writing looks like it was carved in there with something sharp but there's one that was written in blood. Out of curiosity, I walk over there, it reads:

                                               YOU'RE GOING TO DIE IN HERE

     I step back and trip over something and land on my ass, I look around the room and panic sets in and I feel my body get hot and tingly. 'Just breathe (Y/N), breathe, you're going to be fine' I try my best to calm down but I can't, my breathing gets fast and heavy. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck, I can't breathe,' at that thought my body just goes into full panic mode, shaking uncontrollably and I can't slow my breathing. I put my knees up to my chest and close my eyes but my head gets dizzy again and before I know it my eyes close once again, falling into a dreamless sleep.

   "(Y/N)," I hear someone call my name but my body doesn't wake up, "do you think she dead?" I hear another voice say, my body wakes up but I keep my eyes closed "I don't know let's find out," the first voice says again. I feel a sharp pain in my side making me lose my breath and my eyes shoot open. I cough fiercely and roll on my side holding it in pain, "nope she's not dead," the first person's tone is amused. When I'm able to breathe again, I sit up and look at the two men in the room with me. The one who I assumed kicked me is smirking, while the other one is just looking at me. I glare at the man who kicked me but don't speak, which only causes his smirk to widen. He crouches down next to me, just smirking at me. "Like what you see?" my voice is rough and hoarse, the man just stares at me before grabbing my neck harshly, "very much so," he says still smirking. I don't move or break eye contact, trying not to seem weak, 'I can't let them think I'm weak,' The man grip tightens on my neck but I won't back down."Uh, Juicy, remember what Josh wanted us to do?' the man behind him speaks, he's blonde and has blues eyes.

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