Chapter 12

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Recap from the last chapter: I lean away from him and get off his lap before grabbing the water in Kevin's hand, "thanks," I mumble before taking a seat on the bed.


Three weeks have passed and we've been getting closer and to be honest, my feelings for him have grown.

He showed me a different kind of him, a sweet, caring, funny kind of him.

I've also gotten closer to the rest of the boys, even Josh, I guess I've finally started to accept this, I mean the boys have been nice, minus Eddie.

Hell, I even starting to like Gabby, I mean besides the whole lovey-dovey shit she does with Eddie, she's a very funny, kind person.

And it's nice to have another girl around, talk about boys and she even tells me about when Eddie does shit wrong so I can kinda make fun of him.

She doesn't mind it at all, even makes fun of him with me, she also knows my feelings towards Juicy which she keeps telling me to go for it.

But I don't know, something is holding me back from that, my guess is the whole still wanting to leave thing or the possible embarrassment of him not liking me back.

But Gabby thinks otherwise, saying quote on quote 'he wants more than a fuck friend' which might not be the case.

Other things that have been on my mind are telling Gabby about what happened between me and Eddie, after I got to know her I feel guilty for what I did.

And I think she deserves to know, she gonna marry that dickweed and once a cheater always a cheater.

But I can't find it in me to tell her afraid of ruining what little friendship we have and for what Eddie might do to me if I did.

Don't get me wrong not afraid of him but I can't sleep with my eyes open and I wouldn't put it past him to try and not hurt or kill me.

"(Y/N)," Gabby yells in my ear before waving a hand in front of my face.

My eyes snap over to her shaking my thought away when they land on her face, "yeah? sorry," a light smile makes its way onto my face.

"Come on bro we only have three more episodes before we get to the second season pay attention," she dramatically whines.

I playfully roll my eyes, we are currently watching outer banks and to say the least, we're hooked and of course, our favorite is none other than the weed smoker surfer dude, JJ himself.

"Sorry damn," I mumble before looking back at the tv screen, earning a scoff from Gabby but we fall silent when we continue watching outer banks.

A figure opens my door and I turn my head to see a wet-haired Juicy looking back at me, "hello stranger," a wide smile falls on my face and he just shakes his head at my greeting.

"Hey asshat," I pout at the name he called me while he just laughs at me, he walks over to the bed and sits down.

"Well um we should stop here Eddie wants me to have dinner with him so uh gotta get ready bye," Gabby says suddenly, pausing outer banks and leaving.

I watch as she goes giving me a wink as she does cause me to roll my eyes but smile at her, knowing for a fact that she and Eddie didn't have any plans tonight.

Juicy looks back at me when Gabby closes the door, "uh sooo still haven't finished watching that?" He says pointing to the tv.

I shake my head, "not yet kinda glad tho, JJ is hottt," smirking at him while he just rolls his eyes, "I'm hotter," he gives me a wide grin.

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