Chapter 9

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Recap from last chapter: I lay down on my side facing the wall and Juicy grabs the thin blanket from the bottom of the bed before covering me up with it and laying down beside pulling me to him. He plays with my hair and then starts to hum a tune I don't recognize but his soft hums sound beautiful.

   After awhile my eyes start to close and I soon fall asleep.

When I wake up the ceil door is open and Juicy is talking to Smashing about something, I sit up and yawn causing them to stop talking and look at me.

"Good morning sunshine," Juicy smiles and I flip him off and lay back down, I hear them laugh. I look at the wall and remember what happened yesterday, Eddie is getting married and I'm trapped here forever, my life is just great.

     I feel someone pick me up and I let out a squeal, "breakfast time sleepy head," Juicy says carrying me out of the room, I huff and bury my head into his chest.

     Once we make it out of the basement Juicy puts me on my feet and I walk to the kitchen with Smashing and Juicy not far behind.

   Once I enter Gabby and Eddie are sitting there laughing and smiling, I roll my eyes and open the fridge, "good morning (Y/N)," I hear Gabby say.

   I grab a water and shut the fridge, "morning," I say bitterly, Eddie laughs "she ain't much of a morning person, don't mind her babe," I bite my tongue at the word babe, "haha yeah especially on this morning after I found my boyfriend cheating on me," I say with a fake laugh.

   It goes quiet at my words before Gabby gasp, "oh I'm so sorry, men are such pigs, not you tho babe" Gabby looks at Eddie with a smile which Eddie returns, I roll my eyes, and head to the dinning room with Juicy following behind me.

Everyone else is in the dinning room besides Gabby and Eddie, I take my seat beside Grant and Josh. "Good morning (Y/N)," greets Josh and I just nod, we all begin to eat the eggs bacon and sausage, the boys start chatting about random things and I just sit quiet eating my food.

After breakfast Josh clears his throat causing all of us to look at him, "I would like to discuss some things," at the word 'things' Josh looks at me, I gulp, "we can't have dear (Y/N) here just get away with what she's done so I was thinking we discuss a punishment for her."

My fist tighten and I wait for someone to speak up but it's quiet, so I lift my head up and look around the table to see everyone looking away from Josh.

I stand up from my chair, "I'm kidnapped from my home after finally getting away from my piece of shit father, I worked so damn hard on getting to where I was and you come and just take me away from all that and expect me to play good little prisoner, I don't give a shit if my freedom is yours, every chance I get I'll run far and fast away from you."

Josh stands up also, "you spoiled brat, I give you food, clothes, a nice place to sleep and you still act like a child, well guess what you will be permanently staying in your room until you can learn to appreciate what I give you,"

I fight the urge to roll my eyes, "not like I wanted this! I just want to go home, to my home please," Josh just shakes his head and looks at Juicy.

"Take her to her room and watch over her," Juicy stands up and waits for me to move but I glare at Josh and he glares right back.

So Juicy comes over and picks me up, I huff and flip Josh off as we exit the dinning room, yes I may be acting like a child but at this point I don't care.

Once in my room I go to my bed and grab a pillow before throwing it across the room, I grab another and throw it, this time hitting my dresser, "what are you doing?" Juicy asks.

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