Chapter 8

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RECAP FROM LAST CHAPTER: Everything starts to spin again like I was still on the Jeep, I stumble back only to hit something hard but whip around to see Grant still standing there, he grabs my hands but I pull away still not seeing properly, my breathing is fast only making me more dizzy.

I feel someone grab my shoulders but that the last thing I remember before it all turns black.
A man is on top of me thrusting in me, it hurts but I don't tell him to stop, not like he would listen anyways.

I just lay there looking up at the ceiling, I don't feel anything besides the pain that the man is causing from going in and out of me.

After awhile the man speeds up and lets out a disgusting grunt and I know he cam in me. He pulls out and sit up, breathing heavily.

The other man in the corner just watches with a smirk, he says something but it's sounds like he talking underwater, he says something again but I just completely ignore it until he comes closer and touches my face.

I pull away and they laugh before the man closest to me starts to unbutton his pants again, I let out a sob begging them to go away, I sit up and pull my body to the corner of the bed trying to get away from them but he just grabs my foot and pulls me to him as I scream.

My eyes flash open and I sit up letting out a gasp as if I haven't been breathing, I look around me and see that I'm in my room, it's empty and quiet.

And then everything that happened comes back to me, the escaping and the crash.

I lift my hand up and touch my forehead, it has a bandage wrap on it and it still hurts. I get up off my bed and head for the door only to find it locked, I let my hand fall down to my side and look at my feet.

I was so close, if I would have not waited so long Josh would have never saw me. I walk back to my bed and lay down, I almost had my freedom, a chance to go back to normal and now it's all out the window.

I let out a quiet sob and pull my pillow to my face while I hug it, I let my tears flow for a couple of minutes before I sit up and head to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror, red puffy eyes and a bruised cheek and shoulder. My lip quivers as more tears comes to my eyes but before I can let them escape I hear footsteps and then keys jingling.

I wipe my eyes and head to the door as it opens, in comes Juicy along with Josh. I look at my feet, "good to see your up, how you feeling," I can hear the smile in Josh voice and it pisses me off, my head shoot up and I give him a glare, "I don't know how would you feel if some psycho hit you with his car," I exclaim, stepping closer to Josh.

His smile fades away and is replaced by a angry frown, his jaw clinches and he step toward me too before grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him, "do NOT raise your voice at me, do you understand," we're about eye level but he's half an inch taller than me, I growl at him and try to pull back, "what are you going to do to me force me to stay here against my will, oh wait your already doing that," Josh grips my hand harder to where to starting to hurt.

"I've been nothing but nice to you and how do you repay me by drugging my friends, stealing my car, and trying to run away," Josh is fuming by now but I'm furious, I roll my eyes and open my mouth to say something but Josh pulls me to him before spinning me around and slamming me on the wall.

It wasn't hard enough to hurt me but my eyes open wide, "don't roll your eyes at me, if you keep acting like this I'll put you back in the basement," I push on him trying to get him off of me but he doesn't budge.

"Oh wow the basement, I'm so scared," I spate sarcastically and Josh let's me go, "Juicy take her to the basement, she can stay there for the night," he says looking between me and Juicy, I bite my lip and look for an escape rout. I scoot closer to the door and look at Juicy who's just staring at me, I quickly grab the door knob and fling it open hitting Juicy in the process.

I dart out the door and head straight downstairs, I run down most of them before jumping down the rest. I head for the front door and grab the door knob before I'm picked up by my waist, " let me go," I yell kicking who ever grab me, "as you wish," Juicy says before dropping me on my ass, I glare at him before he grabs my hand and pulls me up, "now if you don't stop trying to run I'll just carry you down there myself, got it," He smirks at me and I just roll my eyes.

"Is that her?" I hear a female voice say on top of the stairs, I look up to see a women standing next to Eddie, a confused look covers my face and I look at Eddie who doesn't meet my eyes, " yes hun this is her," hun? Realization goes through me and my mouth falls open, the women comes closer to me with a warm smile on her face, "hi I'm Gabriella but just call me gabby, I'm Eddie fiancé."

I give her a smile and try not to act like I'm hurt, "hi nice to meet you but sorry me and Juicy have to go," I act polite before grabbing Juicy hand and walk off down the hall, " oh okay talk to you later," she says and I just nod.

I soon as we're out of sight I let go of Juicy's hand and walk to the door of the basement, "you two fucked didn't you?" Juicy say pulling out his keys and unlocking the basement door, I don't say anything but just walk down them.

"How long?" I ask, it's quiet for a second, "what?" He asks, "how long have they been together?" I say getting to the bottom of the stairs, "about 6 years I think," I bite my lip at the answer, he was just using me.

I nod my head before I hear a loud bang causing me to jump, I look at Juicy who doesn't say anything but just walks to a door and unlocks it, he waits for me to go in but another bang stops me from doing so, "wha-," I try to say but Juicy interrupts me, "nothing, now get inside," I nod and walk in the room.

I look around it's a different from the one before and thankfully there's no bloody writings on the wall, I walk over to the small bed on the floor before I sit down, I hear the door close and look up to see Juicy standing in the room, "what are you doing," I ask him and he just shrugs before walking over to me and sitting beside me.

"How was it?" He asked and I already know what he's talking about, I look away, " it was alright got nothing really to compare it too," he stays quiet for a minute before standing up and heading to the door, "wait," I call out to him and he stops and looks at me, "d-don't leave y-yet, " he nods before walking back over and sitting down, " do I really have to stay here all night?" I ask him and he nods.

I sigh and lay back on the bed and Juicy copies me, "how's your head?" I shrug, " it's fine doesn't hurt that much anymore," I say looking up at the ceiling. I wonder what's Eddie doing, probably her. I sigh and look at the wall as tears start to form in my eyes, I really liked him.

    A hand lands on my shoulder and I look at Juicy as a tear rolls down my face, "you shouldn't be crying over him, he's not worth your tears," Juicy says as he wipes my tears away with his thumbs, I lean into his touch, "I know but I can't help but be hurt, he's the only guy I had sex with since I lived with my father, " Juicy pulls me closer in a comforting manner.

    "Your mother signed the papers, that's why Josh left yesterday before you tried to escape," I flinched at his words, so that's it, it's gone, long gone. I'm no longer free. I let out a sob and bury my head in Juicy side, and he hugs me while petting my head.

    It's stays like this for awhile until my stomach and head hurt from crying so much, I pull away from Juicy's shoulder and look him in the eyes, "stay with me...please," I whisper the last part so quiet I thought he didn't hear me but he nods his head.

    I lay down on my side facing the wall and Juicy grabs the thin blanket from the bottom of the bed before covering me up with it and laying down beside pulling me to him. He plays with my hair and then starts to hum a tune I don't recognize but his soft hums sound beautiful.

   After awhile my eyes start to close and I soon fall asleep.

  So another chapter your welcome, I really hoped you enjoyed this and sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes it's fine awhile since I wrote but thank y'all so much for everything and as always I'll see you in the next chapter buh byeee~

Owned by Joshdub-The boys x readerWhere stories live. Discover now