Chapter 4

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RECAP FROM LAST CHAPTER: I cry as he flips me around and gets on top of me, "please don't do this," I try my best to make them stop, "please, please," but my pleads go unheard as he crawls on top of me.

   Someone is shaking me, snapping me back into reality. Tears are streaming down my face, my body is shaking badly, Narrator is holding my shoulders and looking at me concerned, "are you alright, what did he do to you?" he asked, I'm confused before I remember Juicy, I look over Narrator's shoulder to see Juicy holding the side of his head, sitting on the floor, I shake my head and wipe my face, "nothing," I simply say, Narrator doesn't look convinced, "tell me Juicy won't hurt you no more," I just look down, "he just slammed me up against the wall, I promise I-I just...It made me remember something, that I wish I could forget, so please no more questions," Narrator looks at Juicy before sighing, "alright then," I go to walk out of the bathroom but I stop and look at Juicy but sigh and leave the bathroom, Narrator ain't far behind me, we both walk in the kitchen, "uh thank you, Narrator," I rub the back of my neck looking down.

  "No problem but I kind of feel bad for punching Juicy tho," Narrator replies, "I heard you crying and saw Juicy just pinning you on the wall and I don't know I just swung on him without thinking,"  I look down, "kinda glad you did," I say sheepishly,  Narrator smiles and we both got quiet for a minute, 'don't you just love awkward silence,'  I think sarcastically, "so why they call you Narrator?" I ask to break the silence, "well I can do voice impressions, and my most famous one is my narrator voice," I make an o shape at him as he tells me the reason, "my real name is Sam Grant but just call me Grant," he says holding out his hand, I smile and shake it, "well
Grant, it's nice to meet my kidnapper," I joke with a smile, Grant scratches the back of his head, "sorry about that, I didn't want to but Josh and the contract I-," I cut him off "no don't apologize, I may have lost my freedom but I already met three pretty great people," I say with a smile.

  At the mention of them, Eddie and Smashing, along with the rest of the boys walk into the kitchen, "hey (Y/N) you alright?" Eddie asks walking closer to me, I look down I guess my eyes are still red, I try my best to think of an excuse but nothing comes to mind, I bite my lip but a hand lifts my chin up, "I'm sorry," it's Juicy and his cheek has purple bruises on it. I look over at Eddie to see him looking down, then I remember that the others are in the room and a bright blush falls on my cheek, I step out of Juicy hold "you need to ice that, " I state walking over to the freezer and taking out frozen vegetables and walking back to Juicy, he looks really guilty. I place the vegetables on his cheek, "thank you," he says taking it frozen baggy and holding it on his cheek, I just give him a small smile, 'you know what they say kill em with kindness.'  

  Josh clears his throat to get everyone's attention, "ok well breakfast is probably cold by now so let's just eat already, alright? sounds good? ok good," Josh walks into the dining room with everyone behind him, "Is there pizza rolls Josh, ooo I hope there are pizza rolls," the teen that I forget all about said (literally forgot about Reekid -_- sorry T.T) Josh and Mully laugh at him, "of fucking course you want pizza rolls Reekid," huh so Reekid's his name weird,'  I think to myself before following them to the dining table again Eddie sits by Mully, Smashing by Juicy and Reekid and the only open seat is by Grant and Josh, but this time I don't hesitate to take my seat by them, Josh smiles at me and I timidly smile back, I'm still not comfortable around Josh but he seems pretty nice, besides the whole owning me thing. I look at Josh in his sky blue eyes and wonder of all people why did I get chosen to have my freedom ripped from me.

  Josh is talking to Mully while we all eat but I stare at him wondering why, I guess I was staring a bit too long because he noticed and looks at me, "is there something on your mind (Y/N)," he asks me and I blink realizing I was staring at him, "u-uh n-no...w-wait actually yes," I stutter causing Josh to smile, "shoot," he says, everyone goes quiet making me very uncomfortable, I look down and take a deep breath in then out, "w-why me, I mean you could have said no to my father so why," I try my best to look him in the eyes. Josh's smile is gone now and is replaced by a serious one, "well you see your father came to me wanting to know if we could get rid of someone that knows too much, and then I asked him what this person knows and he just told me that it was something that could put him in prison for a long time, so I agreed and asked who he wanted dead then he told me that he wanted me to kill his own daughter, well, of course, I couldn't kill you for no good reason so I made a deal with your father which was that he gave me all your freedoms so you couldn't legally do anything, but now my question for you (Y/N) is what do you know for your own father to want you dead?"

   I'm looking at my lap, tears in my eyes and I'm trying my hardest to keep them in, my face is hot and everyone's eyes are on me, "did he hurt you (Y/N), did he touch you," Josh keeps questioning me, at that tears streaming down my face and I can't find my voice, "Josh I think that en-," Eddie try to make Josh stop but he cuts Eddie off, "No she needs to answer!" Josh raises his voice and its quiet, I put a hand over my mouth to hold back a sob, "come one (Y/N) answer!" Josh yells at me, "n-no," I finally manage to say, "then why did dear old dad want you dead?" I shake my head not wanting to answer, Josh slams his hands on the table causing me to jump, "TELL ME!" Josh once again yells at me, "h-he forcefully g-got me h-high then h-he sold m-my body t-to his f-f-friends," I say in between sobs, my body is shaking and my chest feels tight.

  It's quiet other than my sobs, I feel a hand touch my back and shake it off me, "don't touch me!" I yell at Grant who just looks hurt, Josh gets up and leaves the room, along with most of the boys besides Eddie and Juicy, I don't move from my seat, Eddie kneels down next to my seat, tears falling from his cheeks as well, his hands lays on my knee and I flinch at his touch and he removes his hand, "(Y/N) I'm so so-," I cut him off by standing up quickly and going to leave but Eddie just grabs my hand, "(Y/N) please don't shut us out," I just look at Eddie's hand and rip away from him and walking off to my room, shaking my head I continue up the stairs to my room, once inside I lean on my close door and look up at the ceiling, tears already falling from my cheeks, rolling down my neck and soaking into my shirt. I let out a heartbroken sob and slide to the floor, pulling my knees up to my chest and hugging them and crying softly.

  I stay there for hours and by now it's dark outside and I have no more tears left to cry, I feel numb and empty. I stand on my two feet and walk on my bed and sit down staring off in space, I lay back and continue to think, I can't get Eddie's crying or Juicy guilty face out of my head, I sigh and turn on my side. I can't sleep and by now it's 2 in the morning, I sigh and sit up, 'maybe if I get something in my stomach, I'll be able to sleep,' at the thought I open my room and walk out into the dark hallway, once in the kitchen I open the fridge to find a plate wrapped up with a sticky note that says my name, I already knew who did this and take out the plate of food and set it on the bar not caring enough to warm it up, I unwrap it and look down at steak, red potatoes, and green beans with a roll, (welp I'm hungry now -_-) my stomach growls and I waste no more time and dig in, I enjoyed every bite and finish it within minutes, I lean back stuffed. That's the best food I've tasted in a long time, I pat my tummy and happen to look at the sticky note Smashing left with my name on it, I stand up and look at it before placing it back down.

  I look around the kitchen for something to write with I finally open a drawer full of random things and spot a pencil, I take it, close the draw and write a thank you on the back of the sticky note and place it back in the spot where I found the plate of food. After I place the sticky note in the fridge, I wash my plate and fork and place them in the dish drainer, being as quiet as I can. I still don't feel sleepy but walk back up the stairs anyway. I can barely see where I'm going as theirs no light in the hallway, I look up to spot a figure in the back of the hallway causing me to pause and take a deep breath in. "hello?" my voice echos out, and then I hear a someone exhale causing me to jump and let out a small squeal in the process, "jeez (Y/N) you scared the shit out of me," Grant says walking closer to me, "I scared you? You scared me!" I exclam putting a hand on my chest. Grant laughs and I can't help but join him then it goes quiet, "I'm sorry about earlier," I whisper out of the blue, "don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong you were upset and I overstepped boundaries, I understand that," Grant tells me with a smile.

  "So what are you doing up at this time?" I ask Grant, "uh I should be asking you the same," I giggle at that, "touche, but uh I was hungry so I kinda helped myself to the fridge, uh hope you don't mind," I mumble. "Oh no, of course, I don't mind, you barely eat as it is so eat as much as you want," I blush at that for some reason, "oh ok..." I trail off, my social anxiety kicking in, "now that I told you what I was doing you got to tell me what you were doing," I chirp, and Grant smiles, "fine so," Grant says in his normal voice, "I laying in bed thinking, no wondering, no wanting, yes wanting to know which one came first the chicken...or the egg," his gets all deep as he narrates and I can't help but laugh, "that pretty impressive," I smile. After a couple more minutes talking to Grant in the dark hallway, I let out a yawn finally tired. We say our goodbyes and I head to my room where I soon fall asleep.


Ok, guys I worked so hard on this and still kinda don't like how it is but plz give it some love bc I worked on this for days T.T but hope y'all enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next chapter buh byeee~

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