Chapter 3

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A little a/n ;3
   ok so I know we don't know what smashing looks like but let all just use your imagination (input that SpongeBob meme)  so let's get into the chapter now, hope you enjoy it bc I know i won't :p

  RECAP FROM LAST CHAPTER: I sign regretting this already, without any more thought to it I stand up and walk past them into the kitchen and up the stairs and into my safe heaven aka my room not listening to Josh or Eddie call my name to come back.

  After coming back into my room, I lay down on the bed looking up at the ceiling, 'why am I trying, they kidnapped me, literally took my freedom away, and yet I try and get along with them, what is wrong with me I should be trying to find a way to get my freedom back or getting out of here and moving far, far away,' I stay in my room undisturbed for hours until I fall asleep. Music is blasting and my body is moving with the beat, two males are rubbing up against me but the euphoria I'm feeling at this moment is great, I'm sweating but I keep dancing with the music, one of the males start touching my boobs, I simply push his hand but his hands land on my chest again. I push him away from me, the drunk male now pissed off slaps me hard causing me to stumble back, I hold my cheek in pain but that didn't seem to satisfy him as he continues to hit me, I fall to the ground and curl into a ball, the other man joins in on beating me.

  My eyes shoot open and I'm breathing heavily, I sit up and wipe the sweat from my forehead, I turn on the lamp that's beside me and look around the room, I sit there for a minute staring off in space before getting up and heading downstairs. Once downstairs I head to the kitchen to get some water, I look around the kitchen quietly, looking for a cup when I finally find one I turn on the tap water and fill up the cup with cold water. I slowly sip the water, just staring at the floor of the kitchen when I feel a hand touch my shoulder causing me to jump and almost drop the cup in my hand. I look up at Smashing who is giving me a small smile, "Sorry mate didn't mean to scare you," he says the Australian accent showing.

"It's fine," I get the small smile back, Smashing is just staring at me, "what are you doing up," he asks me, I look down and rub the back of my neck, "had a dream." I simply tell him and he nods, "want to talk about it?" I know he's just trying to be nice but my past is something I don't want to talk about especially to someone I don't know, "no, not really," I say with a small laugh, trying not to sound rude. Smashing kinda looks hurt but doesn't say anything and it goes into an awkward silence with us just looking anywhere but at each other.

  "You must be hungry," Smashing says finally breaking the silence, "let me make you something to eat," he offers and walks over to the fridge without me answering, "you don't have to make me anything to eat," I say shyly. "Well I want to, and you haven't eaten in a couple of days," Smashing says still grabbing stuff from the fridge, I go quiet and sit at the bar that is in the middle of the kitchen, Smashing closes the fridge door with his foot, his arm full of ingredients, I stand up to help, "thanks," he says as I grab the eggs and milk from his arms. "I hope eggs, gravy, and sausage is alright,"  my tummy growls loudly at the sound of gravy, my cheeks turn light pink, Smashing laughs, "my stomach says it sounds great," I say with a laugh.

  Me and Smashing laugh for a moment before he starts cooking the sausage and I cook the eggs, cooking the gravy last, Smashing and I both sit down at the bar and talk while I eat, "wait so you guys are famous YouTuber?" I say with a small laugh, Smashing nods "don't judge Karen," he jokes. I laugh, "I'm not judging that kinda cool, I've wanted to be a youtube gamer when I when was little," I tell him. "Well, what changed you have a good personality?" At that question I look down, 'my father changed that's what,' I think. "My father," I simply say, Smashing looks confused, "He changed and my mother left, we lost our house, he lost his job, and he lost himself," Smashing looks down, "I'm sorry, didn't mean to bring up the past," the tone in his voice is like he's sad for me, "don't worry about it, my life is pretty adventurous now, " I say giving Smashing a playful wink, Smashing smiles and I smile back enjoying this moment

  Me and Smashing talk for, hell, hours till it started to get daylight out, and we both started to get tired and so we both tell each other a goodnight/morning, and head back to our rooms. Once in mine, I lay on the bed looking at the ceiling for a bit before falling back to sleep this time having a dreamless sleep. "(Y/N) wake up." A certain Mexican says I groan, "no Mexicano, sleeppp." I hear a laugh from him, "dawg you better get up or I will jump on you," I just simply roll over on my side and pull the covers over my head, "alright you asked for this Mami," Eddie says and then I fell his body land on mine. "Eddiee," I whine, "yeah Mami?" I pull the covers off my head but only to come face to face with Eddie, I gulp as a blush creeps on my face at our closeness. "Why the blushing Mami?" he asks with a smirk, "u-uh b-because, why you so close Papi," I mimic him, stuttering at first, he laughs and then it goes silent for a moment and we're just looking at each other while he's just laying on top on me.

   My eyes drop to his lips without even thinking and my face gets hotter, "(Y/N)," his voice gets serious and deep causing my breath to leave my lungs, his brown eyes boring into mine. His lips start getting closer to mine and I just freeze in place. His lips get close, and closer, and closer, until his lips graze mine, "ON MY GOD EDDIE AND (Y/N) ARE FUCKING, JOSH!" Mully yells from my door causing me and Eddie to jump and headbutt. Eddie jumps off me and I sit up, we both look at each other blushing like a motherfucker then back at the door, where now Josh, a laughing Mully, and Juicy stand. Eddie laughs shyly and I just look down hiding my blush with my hair.

  "Dawg we weren't doing anything, I swear," Eddie puts up his hands in the air submissively, I don't look them in the eyes, my face still ruby red, "(Y/N) red face says otherwise, dude look at her what did you do," Mully laughs, I look up only to lock eyes with a pissed off Juicy. He storms into my room and grabs my arm pulling me out of the room, I look back at Eddie who is just confused, before Juicy starts pulling me to the stairs, "Juicy let go your starting to hurt me," but my whine lands on deaf ears as Juicy drags me downstairs, I almost trip and fall from how fast he is walking but I manage to stay on my two feet. Once at the bottom of the stairs, Juicy leads me to a door near the kitchen and when we're both inside I notice it's a bathroom, "uh Juicy why did you bring me to the bathr-,"  I'm cut off by Juicy pinning up against the wall by my hands. I'm shocked and just look at Juicy, who still wears that pissed off look, "what was you and Eddie doing?" he demands, 'I can't believe he's jealous,' I think amused, "are you jealous," I say with a smile, but that only seems to piss him off more.

  He slams my body against the wall harder and I wince as my head made contact with the wall, this all seems eerily familiar, my head starts to spin as more memories come back to me. After my father's friends are done beating the shit out of me, my father pulls me to my feet by my hair and slams me on the wall, "now (Y/N) my friends here want you to..take them to bed why don't you go to your room," my father is smiling like this is all a funny joke, I had enough of this, "go to hell," I spat. Which was a big mistake, the angry in his eyes scares me, a punch goes to my gut and then he slams my body back on the wall, hard enough to make me dizzy, I feel nauseous, I try to stand but my body is too bruised. I puke on the floor as my father and his friends laugh, my father picks up my weak body and takes me to my room, and lays me on the bed.

  "There you go boys she's all your but this would be her first time and I'm sure you enjoy that," he says holding out his hands in front of them, the one dude sighs before taking out his wallet and paying my father with the other dude close behind, I sob, "you sick bastard," I cry, as my father just leaves me with his friends, lust showing in their eyes. They both look at each other, "I'm going first," the taller man says, "Nah I want to," the shorter fatter one states back walking over to me taking off his belt. I sit up and start to crawl away but the man just grabs my foot and drags me to him, I cry as he flips me around and gets on top of me, "please don't do this," I try my best to make them stop, "please, please," but my pleads go unheard as the man crawls on top of me.

Welp that's the end of this chapter but I'll be uploading another one soon, so don't worry :3 buh byee~

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