꒰🥀꒱ chapter eighteen ♡꙼̈ ࿐ ࿔

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Quickly making his way through the crowd of students, he found Chan on the ground, crying his eyes out while clutching onto Mr Melon as if his life depended on it

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Quickly making his way through the crowd of students, he found Chan on the ground, crying his eyes out while clutching onto Mr Melon as if his life depended on it. Soonyoung slowly crouched down and placing his hand gently on the boy's head he said with a soothing voice, ❝ Channie...it's me, Soonyoung hyung. It's okay...I'm here now. Nothing will happen to you. Please look up at me.

As soon as Chan heard one of the voices which he adored the most, he slowly started to peek out from behind Mr Melon and looked at Soonyoung with red eyes and tear stained cheeks. It absolutely broke Soonyoung's heart to see the boy in this state so making the boy sit up, he immediately pulled the latter into a tight hug.

I'm sorry Chan. Hyungie is so sorry. I should have waited for you outside the class after the lunch break rang. It's my job to take care of you. It's all my fault that you fell down from the stairs. I promise I'll never leave you or let you get hurt again. ❞ he said softly while running his hand through Chan's hair in order to calm the boy down.

Chan was still whimpering and he sniffled a little as he snuggled closer to Soonyoung and buried his face in the older boy's neck. Soon after, Soonyoung realized that they are kinda making a big scene in the middle of a busy corridor so he detached himself from the hug and brushing away the hair from Chan's face he said with a gentle smile on his face as he wiped away Chan's tears, ❝ Channie, let's go back to your clas okay? It's not nice to block the stairs and keep everyone waiting right?

On hearing Sooyoung's words Chan gently nodded his head before standing up from the ground along with Sooyoung. The elder then took hold of Chan's hand and walked towards the boy's classroom, ignoring the stares and whispers from the students in the corridor.

When they finally entered the classroom, Chan let go of the boy's hand and went to the corner of the classroom and facing himself against the wall, slumped down and sat there with his head hanging low. Confused at what the younger was doin, Soonyoung walked up to him and sat down leaning against the wall so that he would be able to take a peek at Chan's face and asked, ❝ What happened Channie? Is something wrong?

Chan nodded his head slowly at Soonyoung's question and said, ❝ Idh ith wue thath when thomeone maketh a mithtake they thould be punithedh Whath I didh wath wong. I thould noth habe gone outh of the cwath awone. Tho I am punithing mythewf! ❞ Saying this, Chan let out a small 'hmph' and crossed his arms, making it looks like he was angry on himself.

Finally being able to comprehend what the younger was trying to tell him, Soonyoung couldn't help but chuckle at Chan's words and also at the fact that how absolutely adorable Chan looked right now. Shaking his head in disbelief, he pulled Chan closer, so that the younger was sitting on his lap now.

He then softly cupped Chan's face and making Chan look at him, he said with an adoring smile, ❝ Oh Channie...no one said anything about you doing something wrong. It was all my fault okay? So please do not punish yourself for something you did not do hmm? Soonie hyung doesn't like to see Channie sad.

Saying this, Soonyouyng leaned in and planted a small kiss on Chan's forehead before pulling him into a tight embrace. Chan too, feeling happy to be in his Soonie hyung's embrace, snuggled his face in the crook of the elder's neck. As the younger did that, Sooyoung could feel something churning in his stomach and his heart started to race at an uneasy pace.

He definitely could recognize what this feeling was but he was just too stubborn to admit that he was actually feeling this way towards the younger. He was sure that he wasn't capturing feelings for the younger, he could never. So ignoring those feelings, he just stayed like that while running his fingers through Chan's soft hair in a soothing manner. He'll have to deal with his feelings later on. Those stupid feelings can wait.

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘♡ ༓ ♡∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

shree's notes :

What do you think Soonyoung will do about the feelings he is catching for Chan?

Hii finally i'm back with an update! Sorry for keeping you all waiting. Did you all enjoy your Christmas? I hope you all had a great time yesterday! Happy Holidays uwua nd i love you all so much. Thank you for having the patience to read his book haha. Till then bye!! ♡♡♡♡

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