꒰🥀꒱ chapter nine ♡꙼̈ ࿐ ࿔

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Soonyoung as usual was walking towards his class with his hand inside his pocket and the other hand holding his backpack over his right shoulder

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Soonyoung as usual was walking towards his class with his hand inside his pocket and the other hand holding his backpack over his right shoulder. Yet something was different today. His shoulders were slouching down and he didn't have that usual smile on his face. For some reason he had an uneasy feeling about what had happened yesterday and after recalling what he had done he couldn't help but let guilt consume him. 

He knew what he did was so wrong and there was no reason for him to snap at Chan like that. Let alone, that plushie was not even hurting him, then why did he have to hurt the younger like that. The more he thought about it, the more he felt like giving himself a tight slap on the face. He really wanted to go and apologize to the younger but he didn't know how he would get the guts to face Chan. He knew Chan would clearly be upset at him but still he wanted to go and say sorry. 

Thinking about all this, he was walking into the class without even realising, when the teacher cleared her throat to get his attention. Soonyoung snapped out if his daze and quickly mumbled a sorry and was about to walk in, when the teacher stopped him again,

I'm sorry Soonyoung but you have been suspended from attending any classes today.

Soonyoung stood there with his mouth hanging open. He was clueless about what could have happened that could have gotten him suspension for the whole day. He clearly seems clueless about the fact that he had been suspended after his rude behaviour with Chan. 

The school is very particular about the mental well-being of their special programme children and if anything upsets them at school, the authorities will take serious actions. Seeing that Soonyoung looked so clueless as to why he got suspended, the teacher shook her head is disappointment and said,

I can't believe you forgot about this so easily. But anyways you might have a lot of questions so Mr Lee of Class SC-2 said that he would like to meet you. So please go to his office now.

Soonyoung sighed and started to walk towards the said teacher's office. I had never been called by Mr Lee and he doesn't even know what class Mr Lee takes so he was still in a confusion as to what all this chaos was for. But Soonyoung didn't rebel today against the teacher's accusation.

If it would have been any other day Soonyoung would have immediately retorted back and said that he had done nothing wrong but today for some reason he thought, "maybe I have done something wrong and it's fair enough for me to get punished this time." He slowly knocked on the door and entered the office after hearing a "come in" from inside.

He walked in to find a very young teacher, maybe in his twenties sitting at the desk doing some paperwork. Even after seeing him Soonyoung still couldn't understand which class Mr Lee takes. The teacher gestured to him to sit in front of him before taking off his spectacles and looking at Soonyoung with a soft yet sharp stare. 

So, Soonyoung. I think you still might be confused as to why you were suspended from classes suddenly and why you were sent here to meet me.

Hearing this Soonyoung nodded his head slowly and Seokmin let out a chuckle seeing that the student was so clueless. But Seokmin knew and Soonyoung wouldn't be this clueless after what he was about to say next. 

Well if you want I can give you hints. I am the homeroom teacher of class SC-2 and something seems to have happened with one of my students. And his friend was the one to enlighten me with the fact that his friend had been found crying helplessly in the class after the lunch break yesterday.

It didn't even take a second for Soonyoung to realise what all this fuss was about. He knew something like this would happen right when Mr Byun had given him the task to look after Chan. Soonyoung knew he was not capable of being a nice person and look after someone as precious as the boy. 

He really wanted to be a good guy and do his job of looking after someone. His idea of keeping up his bad reputation was fucking up his mind so bad that he felt disgusted of himself. He doesn't even know how he turned into someone like this when he used to be such a nice and caring guy. All these thoughts were running in his mind when Seokmin cleared his throat to snap him back to reality.

Soonyoung I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that you are not the right person to do this, you will never be able to keep Chan safe and happy and you feel disheartened after the mistake you made yesterday. But I'm telling you it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes but you have to learn from your mistakes okay? Or else you become a loser to yourself. 

I know you are capable of doing this and I don't think there is anyone better than you in this task. And to assure you that everything will be fine. I'll tell you something, Chan actually wants to meet you again so I think that means he has forgiven you. So don't be so hard on yourself and just start afresh to befriend that boy hmmm. And if you have any problems come to me okay? I'm always here to help you out. You can go and take your time to think now before the lunch break comes. And also your suspension will be cancelled tomorrow okay?

Hearing this Soonyoung felt so warm inside that he could not even frame words to thank the teacher in front of him. No one has been this nice to him at school for years. He felt grateful towards Mr Lee for having the faith in him. He bowed and thanked the teacher for the second opportunity before exiting the office and walking towards the library. He had to do some thinking as to how he can make Chan get along with him today.

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘♡ ༓ ♡∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

shree's notes :
uwu can I have a teacher like Seokmin please...he's so understanding. If I ever had a teacher like that I'll honestly never be closed of from that teacher and like actually trust them.

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