꒰🥀꒱ chapter twelve ♡꙼̈ ࿐ ࿔

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//tw : slight mention of self harm ahead

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//tw : slight mention of self harm ahead

Chan I'm so sorry I couldn't come to meet you today so take this as an apology gift hmm?

Chan's eyes widened at the voice he heard beside him and he quickly turned his head to meet with two brown orbs staring at him with adoration. Soon after, the corner of the eyes crinkled and the person's face broke into a cute smile before taking Chan's hand and placing the candy bar in it. Chan looked down at the candy bar in his hand and asked hesitantly,

Buth why aa you buying me thith? It ith not my bithday owe anything.

Even after Soonyoung had handed the candy bar to Chan, he still kept holding his hand. For some odd reason he felt warm inside holding the younger's hand and he did not want to leave it. Slowly and tenderly brushing his thumb against Chan's knuckles he said,

Please just keep it as an apology gift for not coming to meet you today. I feel so bad for leaving you alone during the recess but I had nothing to do. Since I had missed all my classes yesterday, the teachers gave me so much work and were sitting in front of me till I finished it all. I feel so tired after working for the whole day.

Saying this, Soonyoung without even realising, leaned his head on Chan's shoulder and closed his eyes to get rid of the drowsiness. But for some reason he so felt relieved by Chan's presence and his touch. Soonyoung knew that he shouldn't be feeling like this because Chan might just be looking up at him like an elder brother but he still couldn't help himself. On the other hand Chan too became petrified at the sudden action from Soonyoung but soon calmed himself down and placing his other hand on Soonyoung's hand, started patting him softly and said,

It ith okay, you have to do yeo thudieth too wight? Channie ith no moe thad because Soonie hyung ith heye now.

After this, both of them stayed silent, just enjoying each other's company. The silence engulfing them was so peaceful that both felt extremely comfortable with each other. They were feeling so many different things in their hearts that neither of them had ever experienced before, but they didn't want to get rid of those feelings either.

Suddenly Chan could see his brother's car coming from a distance and he quickly pushed Soonyoung off his shoulder. He would feel so embarrassed if Joshua saw what he was doing. Being pushed off so suddenly, Soonyoung gave Chan a questioning look but when he heard Chan softly mumble out, "My bwothew" Soonyoung understood the reason behind the younger's actions.

Immediately his face flushed red because he really didn't want Chan's brother to see them like that and to his relief, Ahn was also seen exiting the school building. So now Soonyoung would be able to walk off with Ahn. But before going, he did something real quick and now it was Chan's turn to get all flustered. Soonyoung looked behind to see that Chan's brother's car was still in a distance and taking the chance, he quickly planted a kiss on Chan's cheeks and immediately sprinted off from there to join up with Ahn who had just walked out of the school gate.

Chan just sat there looking dazed until Joshua's car honk snapped him out of the daze. He quickly took hold of his bag and Mister Melon and ran to the car to get inside. Throughout the car ride, Chan looked pretty flustered and was trying his best to hide his blushing face from Joshua. The thing that Joshua didn't mention was that he had indeed seen the unknown boy give his brother a kiss. At first his mother instincts kicked in and he literally wanted to smack that boy on the face.

But when he saw that Chan had not protested, he realized that the feelings must be mutual. He had nothing against his brother liking someone because he knows that Chan is maturing and all of this is a part of growing up. He just wants to be sure that Chan is happy with that guy and if he ever hurts Chan in any way, Joshua would not hesitate from burying him alive.


Soonyoung and Ahn were both walking quietly and the silence was making Soonyoung somewhat uncomfortable, so he decided to break it.

Have you seen Jun or Minghao today though? I didn't see them go out of school.

Ahn just scoffed at Soonyoung's question and said,

Why would I even care for those disgusting sissys? Always gurgling and cooing at each other with love. Eughh...it makes me wanna throw up.

Soonyoung shot a glare at Ahn before looking forward on the road. He really sometimes thought, why am I even friends with Ahn? But then again, he knew that Ahn really needed a friend because he had no one. So even if Ahn acts like an ass, he can't just abandon the guy. Soonyoung would always keep quiet and hear all the insults Ahn threw at people but suddenly at that moment Ahn spit out some insult that made Soonyoung's blood boil.

And Soonyoung why are you becoming like Jun too these days? Has that fucking faggot you are taking care of become that important in your life that you are forgetting about your image at school.

That was it for Soonyoung. He wouldn't listen to one word against Chan. He stopped in his tracks and grabbing Ahn's collar he literally growled at him,

Listen Ahn, I never say anything about you throwing insults at others but I would not stand one word against Chan. Also what the hell do you even know about love that you even dare to speak about this?!

Those last words were a big mistake on Soonyoung's part because it literally struck like a dagger in Ahn's heart. He forcefully released himself from Soonyoung's grip and trying to blink away the visible teras in his eyes he said in a sarcastic tone,

You're right. What the fuck do i even know about love huh?!

Saying this he turned to the other way and started to walk off. Soonyoung called him back numerous times but Ahn didn't dare to turn back because he didn't want Soonyoung to see him breaking. Tears were constantly streaming down his cheeks as he walked towards his house crying helplessly. Involuntarily, his hand reached up to his shirt sleeve which he pushed up to reveal a big self made scar on his forearm. He smiled bitterly while rubbing his thumb against the scar written,

' AH♡ MH '

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘♡ ༓ ♡∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

shree's notes :
So I think you guys can understand that Ahn has quite a deep past, which is why he acts like this. What do think happened to him in the past?

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