꒰🥀꒱ chapter eleven ♡꙼̈ ࿐ ࿔

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The school had ended for that day and Chan and Seungkwan were walking down the corridor towards the school exit

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The school had ended for that day and Chan and Seungkwan were walking down the corridor towards the school exit. The day had passed quite well, with them doing well in their lessons and getting praised by their teachers. Seungkwan even had got the highest score in one of the assignments and got a big "No 1" badge pinned to his shirt by their Mathematics teacher, Mr Lee Taeyong. Seungkwan thus looked pretty excited about showing it to everyone back at home and was literally skipping down the corridor. Chan would smile now and then, glancing at his best friend, but he couldn't help from feeling a little sad himself.

It was because Soonyoung had not come to meet him that day. Chan was in his class, waiting so eagerly with his favourite book "The Little Prince" expecting that Soonyoung would come and read it to him. But as time passed, Chan's smile kept fading and eventually when he heard the bell ring, indicating the end of the lunch break, it disheartened Chan like anything.

Chan kept on believing that maybe Soonyoung was busy in some way but couldn't help himself from feeling anxious. Now that he was thinking, his thoughts drifted to when he kissed Soonyoung on the cheek and the elder had ran out of the class hastily. "What if he is angry and disgusted because of what I did yesterday?" Chan thought and a small pout formed on his lips.

Soon enough another thought started bothering him and he kept pondering over the fact as to why did he suddenly give Soonyoung a kiss. It was not like he loved the elder or something. He would often give kisses to his brother too but that was just brotherly affection. Does that mean he loves Soonyoung as a brother? But that somehow didn't feel right to Chan. In the end he decided to ask Seungkwan because his best friend was an expert in understanding love and affection. He tapped Seungkwan one the shoulder and asked.

Kwannie! If you do noth wove thomeone, can you kith them?

Hearing this, the said cute boy made the most dramatic surprised Pikachu face and said,

Yaaah! No why would you kiss someone you do not love?!

Chan frowned at Seungkwan's answer but then another thought came to his mind and he expected to make a come back with that so he proudly mentioned,

Buth Mingu awwayth giveth Wooji kitheth and Mingu doeth not wove Wooji!

Seungkwan made another disgusted face at his friend's comment and said,

You are such an idiot! Ewww why would they kiss if they do not love each other?! And Mingyu loves Woozi a lot! Just like my Woowoo loves me and always gives me hugs and kisses. ❞

Seungkwan seemed to be extra delighted after talking about this so-called "Woowoo" person. But Chan looked utterly confused. He tilted his head and pointed towards the road, indicating the only thing he could relate to the word woowoo and asked,

Woowoo? You mean ambuwance?

Seungkwan looked so offended at the comment that he quickly shook his head and tried to correct Chan,

No! Not an ambuwance! Woowoo is mine!

Chan literally wanted to burst into laughter at Seungkwan's comment. How can an ambulance belong to Seungkwan and that too give him kisses

Do noth be thiwwy Kwannie! How can you have an ambuwance fo yeothewf?! And how can ebhen the ambuwance give you kitheth??

They were so into bickering with each other that they didn't even realize they had reached the school gate. And there a guy, maybe around 19 or 20 years of age, was standing and looking at the two friends with a fond smile on his face. He decided to speak up in order to break them from arguing any further.

But Chan, it's true. He does get kisses from Woowoo.

Immediately Seungkwan's head turned towards the gate where the young man was standing. His black hair was nicely permed and sat on his forehead making it look extra fluffy. He was wearing a checkered black and brown underneath which was a plain white tee and for pants he had navy blue jeans.

He looked like some college student who had come after attending his classes and Seungkwan literally sprinted towards the guy shouting out "Woowoo" and engulfed him in a tight hug. Chan looked at both of them in surprise and he finally understood that this was the Woowoo guy Kwan was talking about. Still trying to comprehend everything Chan asked,

Tho you aa Kwannie'th Woowoo?

The said guy chuckled softly and said nodding his head,

Yes yes I am. My name is Jeon Wonwoo. Nice to meet you Chan. Kwannie talks a lot about his amazing best friend.

This statement made both of them blush and Seungkwan even snuggled his face in Wonwoo's neck in embarrassment. After sometime both of them left, leaving Chan sitting alone there on a bench. Wonwoo had said that they could wait till his brother came but Chan insisted that he was old enough to be safe on his own.

As he sat there , he could not help but feel a little jealous at Seungkwan and Wonwoo's cute relationship. He too wanted someone to give him kisses and hugs all the time, he too wanted someone to love him other than his brother. The thought of Soonyoung hyung flashed in his mind for a second, but he quickly brushed off his thoughts because he knew Soonyoung would never love someone like him. Chan was deep in thoughts when someone came and sat beside him, offering him a big candy bar and said,

Chan I'm so sorry I couldn't come to meet you today so take this as an apology gift hmm?

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘♡ ༓ ♡∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

shree's notes :
sorry for the late update! I feel.so bad for taking so time to update but I'm really busy. I hope this work load gets over soon and I'll update regularly uwu. Have a great day!

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