꒰🥀꒱ chapter fourteen ♡꙼̈ ࿐ ࿔

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// tw : mentions of bullying and self harm

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// tw : mentions of bullying and self harm

Flashback pt.2

So the next day before the classes started, Ahn meekly went and sat in his seat which was beside Matt, who was sitting there and completing the assignment they had to submit that day. Ahn took in a deep breath and clearing his throat, he started to speak,

Matt, I would like to tell you something.

Matt turned his face towards Ahn and smiling softly he said,

Yes yes, what is it that you want to tell me? I’m all ears.

Ahn licked his lips nervously and while constantly fidgeting with his fingers, he took up all his courage to look at Matt in the eyes and said,

I-I like you Matt, a-and it is more than just as a friend.

Matt’s smile wavered a little at this statement but he tried his best to keep it and taking hold of Ahn’s hand, he walked to the middle of the class and cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention.

Everyone! Our Friend Ahn here has something he wants to say.

Saying this, Matt gestured to Ahn, with his hands, to say the same thing he had just said to Matt a few seconds ago. Ahn did hesitate for a while because he definitely didn’t want to announce it to the entire class but he brushed that thought off and decided to say it. Only if he had known that Matt's intentions were not at all good.

I l-like Matt lot and it's more th-than just how a friend likes someone...❞ 

A variety of reactions were earned from the students, with some gasping while others ‘aww-ing’ and most of them just laughing and snickering at how pathetic Ahn was to even think of liking someone so popular as Matt. Matt too, flashed an evil grin before saying,

You guys heard it too right? He said that he likes me huh?! And I thought that my ears were ringing and I had made some mistake in hearing him. But you know what? ❞ Matt scoffed and paused for a second, while his hand formed into a fist and he continued, ❝ I fucking hate this idiotic faggot!

And before Ahn could even comprehend something, he was punched hard on the face and the impact made him fall on the ground with a thud. He tried his best to get up but a second later got kicked in the stomach by Matt, making him fall back and enter a coughing fit. Matt spit at the poor guy on the ground with disgust and almost growled while saying,

I dare you… if anyone is seen speaking with this loser, you’re gonna. end. up. like. him! Understand?!  ❞
With each word in the end, Matt kept dropping kick after kick on Ahnhyuck’s stomach, arms, legs, everywhere, to leave the boy curled up in a whimpering ball.

From that day onwards, Ahn's day wouldn’t be complete without him getting bullied and beaten up by Matt's close friends. They would call him various kinds of names and stick tags on him written “Such a loser”, “Hit him”, “Kick him”, “Fucking attention-seeking faggot” and many more horrendous words that are better not said. Almost everyday he would return home with a busted lip, dried up blood near his nose and numerous bruises covering up his face, arms, legs and everywhere in his body.

But he would never dare to talk too his parents about it, scared that they too would kick him out of the house after coming to know that he is gay. This was the time when he started self harming too, but rather than making random cuts, he engraved ‘ AH♡ MH ’ in his arm just to remind himself everyday, how much of a pathetic unlovable person he was. But maybe it was by luck that one day his parents made him sit down with them and spill out everything about what the hell was going on with him.

Ahn, though at first wanted to think of some lies but in the end he broke down and spilled out everything he had been penting up inside him till now. He cried a lot while covering his face in his hands and his breathing had become heavy with him having problems in respiration after all the crying. He was so scared that his parents would be disgusted after hearing everything and throw him out of the house but they just hugged him tightly and brushed his hair with soft hands, trying to calm him down. Why would they hate their son for liking a boy? Being gay is not a crime.

They visited the school the next day and spoke to the principal, Mr Kang about it. The principal assured them that he would take serious actions against the bullies. Soon after, Yoon Minhyun and his other friends were expelled from the school. Mr Kang had given Ahn the privilege of homeschool the rest of 8th grade and he could return afresh in 9th grade.

The next year when Ahn returned, he had turned into a new leaf but that change was too shocking for everyone. Andrew has started to introduce himself as Ahn at school because he didn't even want to use the name he had last year as it would bring back the horrific memories. He was passionately against anyone being in love.

Whenever he would see someone being lovey-dovey with another student, it would get on his nerves and he would start bullying and beating the hell out of them. Now people were literally terrified of him and no one would ever dare to go near him. The ones who were in his class in 8th grade and had witnessed whatever had happened with him last year, they could understand as to why he turned into someone like this. Even if they wanted to empathise with him, they were too scared to go near him.

He was often sent to the principal due to his rough behaviour but Mr Kang would just give him detention and leave him. There was nothing else he could do in this situation because he knew it would make Ahn’s state even worse. He knew that whatever had happened to Ahn the previous year had scarred the teenager for life. The principal had asked a counsellor to look after Ahn and counsell him from time to time. That was the best he could do for the boy.

2 years later when Ahn got to his final year of high school, Seokmin joined the school too as the special ed teacher. He chose this school in particular so that he could look out for his brother even if it was just a little bit. That’s why he was happy to see Ahn had finally made friends with a boy named  Soonyoung and that the guy would at least have someone his age by him. Seokmin felt really guilty for not being there with Ahn during his worst times and that's why he wanted to do everything so that he could make his brother a little bit happier.

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘♡ ༓ ♡∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

shree's notes :
that was all about Ahn's past and why he behaves the way he is now. I really feel sorry for giving him such an horrendous past but everyone fights in their won way right? No matter how strong or tough they appear from the outside and that's the same for Ahn. I hope he will be loved a little more now uwu.

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