Chapter 4: Reunion

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"You always have to make everything dramatic." Koshiro said rolling his eyes as he followed my lead and hopped off his horse.

Morichi ordered a fellow guard to take our horses and tie them to a fence.

I gave Koshiro a smile. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He gave me a blank look before rolling his eyes. "Anyways you think they're here?"

I nodded my head. "Kazuno wasn't guarding the entrance, so there's definitely someone here. It's just a matter of whether it's them or not."

"Kazuno is escorting some guests to their temporary house. You should find him somewhere around here." Morichi grinned at us, dusting his hands off after handling our horses.

Does this idiot not know where the leader of the village guards is?

Be quiet, Ryzaki.

Whatever. You know I'm right.

I sighed before thanking the ginger politely.

Koshiro and I started walking around the village while Morichi and the other guards returned to their post.

"So, who do you think we'll see first?"

"Shiro," I scoffed with a smile as I observed some kids playing with a dirty, ragged ball. "They might not even be here."

"Well not with that attitude." He mumbled before yelping in pain after my fist connected with his head.

"Not funny."

He narrowed his golden orbs at me and poured. "I'm just saying, stop thinking so negatively. And what are the odds of anyone else visiting this old village? I hate to admit it,  but there's not many people in this kingdom who cares about small villages like these. Much less, foreigners from other lands who are interested in the land of the poverty."

A sigh escaped my lips as my smile formed into a frown. "I know. I'm just scared to see them again. I don't know what'd I say."

"Well, your reunion with me seemed pretty natural and fine." He nudged me with a smile. "Or am I just special?"

I scoffed playfully and pushed his head gently. "You're definitely special. Not the good kind, but special nonetheless."


We laughed together as our feet collided roughly with the tiny rubbles on the ground causing our steps to make a satisfying crunching noise.

I really do miss him.

Can you stop having these tiny monologues in your head about your affection for your 72 boyfriends please? You're killing me.

Shut up. First: I don't have boyfriends or a boyfriend in general.

Yeah, what a shocker.

Second: I cant kill you. It's physically and mentally impossible.

I wish you were able to so that I wouldn't have to-

And third: it's not my fault you're listening to my thoughts. Give me my personal space or suck it up, grandpa.

This dumb bitch thinks I have a choice.

I go to make another remark but a voice cuts our conversation off.


That's so familiar...

I turn around and my hand slowly goes to my mouth as I see a familiar face standing in front of me, panting out of breath.

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