Chapter Seven:

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Hak attempted to slice his head off after Ryzaki's comment, but the white-haired boy disappeared and reappeared next to me.

"You know, it'd be nice if you could watch that mouth of yours every once in a while. Maybe then, everyone won't hate you." My shoulders slumped as I gave Ryzaki the side-eye.

The boy in question just shrugged, acting as if he didn't do anything wrong. "I don't care if they like me or not. They can go fall off a cliff for all I care."

I sighed at his rude behavior before explaining who Ryzaki was to the group so everyone would stop trying to kill him.

Yona perked up, the tension in her body gone as she dusted her battered clothes off. "Ah! That makes sense! Hi, I'm Yona! Y/n's kid sister! It's nice to meet you, Ryzaki."

Ryzaki nodded his head in acknowledgment so as to not be rude to her kindness.

"Hang on. That doesn't make sense one bit!" Hak knocked Yona upside the head before pointing to the healing boy. "So you live in her brain 24/7 and you can just pop in and out of existence whenever you want?"

"Is that not what she just said?"

"Ryzaki..." I said with a stern voice, trying to not have him irritate everyone in the room, but he just rolled his eyes with crossed arms and muttered under his breath.

"But Y/n," Kija looked at me with a sad expression, almost betrayed. "Why didn't you tell us this before?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I looked over to Ryzaki, the two of us making eye contact. "I didn't really know either and the first time we ever spoke was when I was in a coma. After that, I had a lot of stuff to learn about my past life before I could fully understand it." I chuckled slightly, shifting my gaze from Ryzaki to the others. "Hell, I still don't really understand any of it."

Hak narrowed his eyes in disgust as he came to a realization. "So...he's just been...listening in on our conversations?"

Ryzaki smirked as he stepped toward Hak. "Yes Beast, every conversation." He made sure to say it nice and slow so it could really sink in.

Both Hak and Jaeha realized at the same time what Ryzaki was talking about, but both had different reactions.

Jaeha wrapped his arm around Ryzaki, who hated the gesture, and smirked mischievously. "I take it back. I think we're gonna be good friends."

Hak, on the other hand, gripped his weapon tighter-looking like he was either going to kill Ryzaki or himself out of embarrassment.

I smiled at the interaction, thinking it was funny until it wasn't.

Wait, that means I don't have any actual privacy.


My head whipped over to Ryzaki with a confused expression.

Wait. You can still talk to me when you're not in my mind?

He rolled his eyes and gave me the side-eye as Jaeha kept spouting things about some kind of alliance.

Yes, you idiot. We're connected through the mind, of course, I can still communicate like this.

"What is this?" Yun glared as he pointed his finger and gestured it to Ryzaki and me. "What is happening right now. What are we missing?"

"Huh?" I snapped out of my conversation with Ryzaki to look at Yun and just as I was about to respond, Ryzaki cut me off.

"None of your business, little girl. Don't go around interrupting conversations."

I facepalmed as I watched Sin casually rush to Yun to hold him back from killing Ryzaki with his famous wooden spoon.

"What'd you call me, you white-haired freak!? Huh?! Say it again!"

"What's wrong with white hair..."

"Shut it, Kija!"

"Yes, Mama Yun..."

"I am not your mama!"

Shaking my head with a smile, I look to Ryzaki, silently asking him to come back so the situation would settle down, which he gladly did.

Bunch assholes, I swear.

Or maybe you're the asshole?

I don't want to hear that from you.

What is that supposed to mean?

Ryzaki didn't answer but I could feel the irritation radiating off his presence.


Hey gang i think we've all been dreading this but....listen it's not you it's me...this...this is over. We're over. I still love u and everything but...I think it's best we go out separately ways...okay fr tho this story is discontinued for now i cant guarantee I'll come back to it but if I get the motivation to read the yotd manga then I shall revive this fic but for now to the grave it goes...thanks for everyone who supported this story and check my profile for updates or more stories !!!🫶🏽🫶🏽

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