Chapter Five: Feelings Revealed

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A warm smile appeared on my lips and the tension in my body melted away. "Zuno."

He held his arms out, silently asking for my permission to hug me.

I chuckled and hugged him with a smile on my face. "Always so polite, Kazuno!"

The purple haired boy tightened his grip on me as he smiled into my hair. "I thought I had lost you...I thought I had lost my lady."

I pulled away from the hug and smiled at him once more. "Of course I wasn't gonna leave you so soon. Who else would help take care of the village?"

"I wouldn't want anyone but you madam." He smiled softly, his amethyst bangs falling in his face.

An annoyed voice interrupted our reunion along with the sound of bushes rustling. "I hate you all! I hate it here! I should just leave since no one wants to appreciate Koshiro!"

Yona giggled as my bodyguard emerged from the bushes with leaves and sticks all over him and dirt on the right side of his face.

I chuckled and smirked at him with a taunting voice. "What happened to you?"

"I went the way that Hak told me to go, but i couldn't find you idiots anywhere so I tried to ask some kid and then the little shit decided that it was funny to kick his stupid ball straight to my face. And then after wandering around a little more I see you and broccoli head in the sky so I start to follow you and to no ones surprise, you guys are at the opposite way that Hak pointed me to!"

We all watched in silence as Koshiro ranted before panting with his hands on his knees. Except Hak. Hak was dying on the floor from laughter.

"Ah welcome back, Shiro?" I said with a half confused-half concerned tone and facial expression.

The brunette glared at me and pointed aggressively. "Shut up you damn pampered favorite child."

I smiled, my eyebrows furrowed at the same time, kind of scared and very confused.


Yona chirped up and giggled at his "silly" behavior. "It's nice to see you again, Koshiro!"

The said boy sighed before flashing my sister a tired smile. "Princess Yona."

Yun cleared his throat before clapping his hands. "Alright, greetings are over! We have a lot of work to get back to!" The pretty boy started ordering people around. Everybody fell in line, listening to the young boys words as if it were something they did subconsciously. It came easy for them. How could it not? Yun is a natural born leader, or rather, we all respect him.

My eyes catch his hands that have always been roughed up. They were skinny and small, at first glance you would think they belonged to a child, but when you start to notice the little details like the tiny scars he has running across his fingers or the rough texture of his skin.

"Y/n!" He turns to me to start yelling only to stop in his tracks when he realizes I was staring. "Y/...n? What? W-why are you staring at me? Oi, oi you're weirding me out."

A smile slowly creeps onto my face and I shake my head. "Nothing, nothing. What did you need?"

He stuttered before asking me to help distribute food to the villagers.

I nod and tell him, 'I got it', and start to hand out bowls of food to all the children and elders first before giving some to the adults. The kids smile and thank me while the elders and grown ups do the same except with more manners. Once I return to Yun with the empty bowls in hand he hands me more and we complete the process until all the food is passed out.

Precious Time *akatsuki no Yona x reader*Where stories live. Discover now