Chapter Six: A Strange Feeling

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"Now that Y/n's here, we can finally head over to Ik-soo's." Yun announced to the group with a bright smile, happy to see the man he'd spent his entire life with.

Koshiro mumbles under his breath causing me to chuckle slightly. "And yet again, no one cares about me."

I ignore the stare I felt at the back of my head as I smile and follow Yun. I had already said my goodbyes earlier, to Kazuno and the village, so we decided that since everyone was back together we should see Ik-soo once more.

"Someone cant keep their eyes off you, little lady." A green haired boy smirked at me with a teasing tone, leaning down to my height.

I hummed in acknowledgment, raising my eyebrows, pretending to be amused. "Really? I wonder why."

Jaeha tilted his head and one glance at his blue eyes made it evident that he took pleasure and amusement from the current situation. "I had thought it had to do with the two of you being out so late together. Did something happen?"

I scoffed, shaking my head with a smile before looking at the tall male. "So you're stalking me now?"

The arrogant boy shrugged with a guilty smile. "A merchant likes to make sure his merchandise is safe, right?"

"I'm offended by your comparison, Jaeha. Am I nothing more than an object to you?" I raise an eyebrow as the both of us smiled.

Neither of us let the other take advantage of the conversation as we fired questions at each other and changed the topic several times.

"You're dodging the question, Y/n~. Did the beast finally get his heart broken?" Jaehas smile turned into a smirk and a mischievous glint glazed over his blue orbs.

"Why dont you go ask him yourself, green bean." I say smiling before walking over to Kija. "Hello there."

The white themed boy jumped slightly before smiling sheepishly. "You scared me a little. Hello, Y/n. How are you feeling?"

I smile at his concern and his soft like personality. "I'm alright. And you? I hope you're not overworking yourself again."

He blushed slightly as I leaned toward him with a smile. "O-Of course not. I'm doing quite alright! Um...may I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

Kija started at the ground, fiddling with his sleeve, before looking up at me. A small blush rested on his cheeks, just barley noticeable, the tips of his ears red. " long will you be staying with us?"

The question seemed to catch the attention of a masked boy that was walking behind us, though neither of us noticed.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well...its just that..." Kija sighed before turning to me once more, his eyes projected his fears and worries. "I feel like you have no reason to stay with us. I mean...your whole purpose of traveling along the kingdom was to help your people. Aren't we...holding you back? With all these tiny stops I mean."

His words surprised me. Out of everyone in the group, I wouldn't have expected Kija to ask me this or even say that they were holding me back. Kija was a lot more than I had thought he was, but then again I've always known how amazing he is.

I chuckled shortly, amused by his question, though his observation made me doubt what I was doing. "Out of everyone, I'm surprised to hear this from you."

Why am I still with them? Because I want to protect Yona? Because I want to make up for all those years I had abandoned her?

Truth is that I was scared. Scared that I was missing her character development. Scared that she'd surpass me and if I happened to blink, I'd open my eyes and see her on the throne. A powerful, independent woman with these amazing men by her side.

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