Chapter 1: The Deal

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Su-won stumbled forward before finally running up and hugging me.

I stand there with an awkward smile plastered on my face as I let him hug me, knowing he hasn't seen me and has probably been worrying.

Su-won pulls away, but leaves his hands on my shoulders, "Are you okay? How are you feeling? How's your wound?"

Can you shut this guy up please? He's hurting my ears.

I inwardly chuckle as Su-won bombards next with more questions,

You mean my ears?

Shut it smart ass.

Love you too Zaki.

I hear Ryzaki click his tongue before I reassure Su-won, "Su-won, I'm completely fine. Please stop shaking me."

"Huh?" He blinked in response before scrambling away from me, "Ah! Sorry! It's just you're my wife and all-"

"Actually," I interrupt him, my smile dropping, "I've been meaning to talk to you about that. Can we talk in private?"

Su-won's eyes widened slightly before his smile slowly drops too and his king demeanor turns back on, "Yes of course. We shall prepare some food for you and we can discuss it then. Does that sound alright with you?"

I nod and turn back to the room I was in, "I'll be in my room then. Please call me when everything is prepared."

I didn't have to see him to know that he nodded and turned around too to face his guards and right hand man.

"Oh and Su-won," I took his silence as a gesture to continue, "Please contact Koshiro immediately and tell him that I've awoken. I'd like to see him as soon as possible."

He hesitated before asking, "May I ask why?"

I let out a chuckle before smiling at Su-won, "I just miss him is all."

Su-wons gaze fell on my smile before he turned around and started walking away, "I understand. I'll arrange it right away."

"Thank you."


"You're still thinking about it huh?"

I throw a pillow at the annoyed Ryzaki and give him a sarcastic glare, "'You're still thinking about it huh?' Yes I'm still thinking about it you moron!"

He scoffs as he looks at my defeated body that was laying down on the bed.

I sit up with a sassy look, "Well what do you expect me to do? Just forget about it? You imagine having basically all the girls you know liking you!"

Ryzaki looks at me with blank look before visibly cringing and proceeds to gag.

Confusion takes over as I point at him, "Oi! What's with that look?"

He clears his throat before giving me another blank look, "Sorry, when I tried to imagine it I realized you're the only girl I know."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I don't know if I should make fun of you or feel hurt."

"Well you can't really make fun of me because I haven't been out for 18 years."

I put my hand on my chin, "Youre right. I guess I'll just feel hurt then."

Thinking back to the facial expression he made, I picked up a pillow before pulling my arm back, ready to throw it, until a knock was heard.

Ryzaki smirked at me as I gave him a glare before clearing my throat and asking who it was.

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