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"Are you ready?"

I nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be. How about you? You haven't been out since my last birth. Are you sure you'll be okay?"

He smirked, "What? You think I'll be as helpless as you?"

I reflected his expression and flipped my hair over my shoulder, "You're right. You're only helpless when I'm not with you."

"Tch," He grabs the sides of my face and gently pulls me forward, kissing my forehead, "Don't act so cocky."

I smiled as a light covered my vision, "You doing this even though it's not necessary is only proving my point."

With that I get pulled out of my mindscape and my eyes start to flutter open. I look around the room I wake up in and try to find a familiar white haired boy.

Smiling as I hear a groan coming from the floor, I look down to see the boy I had spent time with in my coma, "Ryzaki! How's it going?"

He gets up off the floor and starts stretching, "Shut up and let's get out of this stuffy castle. I don't want to see you know who any longer than we have to."

Giving him a cheeky smile, I lean towards him, "Aw Zaki's looking out for me~ Thats cute."

He glared down at me, "I'll kill you."

I shrugged as I got off the familiar bed and stretched, "Even if you do, you're still gonna be stuck with me forever."

The sound of my feet walking across the wooden boards are barley audible as I stride to the bathroom to fix myself up and change.

"Jesus I look a mess. I thought you said I was in a coma for two weeks?"

Ryzaki calls out from inside the bedroom, "It has been two weeks."

I raise an eyebrow and look myself in the mirror, "Then why the fuck so I look like I've been dead for over 3,000 years?"

"That's because you naturally look like an old hag. Don't try to blame things like a coma for your unflattering looks."

A vein popped on my forehead as I raise my hand over the curtains that were blocking him from seeing me change and flip him off, "Fuck you, Gramps."

"Right back at ya, Old hag."

I roll my eyes as I walk out from the curtains and brush imaginary dust off my clothes, "Okay how do I look?"

He turns around with a bored look on his face as I fail to notice the redness at the tip of his ears, "Wow you actually managed to look almost decent. Good job. Now let's go."

Before I could reply he disappeared back into my mindscape.

You're a dick, ya know that?

And you're an indecisive bitch who can't decide anything for herself.

...words can hurt.

I ignore the white haired boys laugh as I walk towards the door,

Still...I don't like the idea of him being the first one I see when I wake up.

Well what did you expect? He's your fiancé.

Yeah, but I still don't think I'm ready...I still have mixed feelings about him.

For the first time in forever, I don't hear a snarky remark coming from the healing boy.

It's silent as I push the door open and a smile creeps on my face as I take a nice inhale of the cool summer breeze, "It feels nice to be back."

My eyes shift to the two startled guards who weirdly looks like they've seen a ghost, "Oh hello."

They scream and run off.

"Huh. That was weird. They look like they just seen a ghost."

You've been asleep for two weeks and nobody expected you to wake up for another year. Use your brain, Y/n. If you even have one.

Gasp. Rude. I do have one thank you very much.

The sound of rapid footsteps coming my way interrupted our conversation. people. If I had to guess it's the two guards, Ju-hoe, and him.


I turn around with a smirk on my face as I place my hand on my hip give him a three fingered wave, "Yo. Nice to see you again...Su-Won."

Precious Time *akatsuki no Yona x reader*Where stories live. Discover now