Chapter 2: Flashbacks

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Koshiro has his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to comprehend everything, "I guess that makes sense..."

I offered him a sympathetic smile, "It's a bit confusing isn't it? It took me a while to fully understand."

Instead of Koshiro's response I get a snarky remark from my white haired companion, "I'm sure he's not as dumb as you."

I glared at him, not appreciating his commentary at all, "Shut up old man! No one asked you!"

A glare was sent right back at me as Ryzaki scowled, "You're one to talk, you hag. How do you think I feel spending an eternity with you?"

I failed to notice Koshiros gaze as I scoffed, "Please. How do you think I feel having to hear and see you constantly? I have no privacy these days!"

Ryzaki's yellow orbs looked off to the side with a bored look, "It's not like you need privacy. There's nothing interesting about you anyways."

Right as I was about to deck Ryzaki in the face Koshiro spoke up, "And what exactly is your guys' relationship?"

"We're friends."

"We're coworkers."

There was a silence as we all took in what Ryzaki said.

I looked at him with a 'what the fuck?' face as I repeated with disbelief, "'Coworkers'?"

He nodded before cringing slightly, "You thought we were friends?"

I stared at him in disbelief before responding, "Ryzaki we've spent 2000 years together."

His face shifted in a scowl as a glare took over his yellow eyes, "And?"

"And that means we're more than coworkers! You spend 2000 years with someone and you think you guys aren't friends?" I ask him jokingly as I give him a confused face.

Ryzaki crossed his arms as he looked down at me, "I was 'friends' with the past you. The one I fell in love with."

I moved my face away from his in shock, this was a detail Ryzaki forgot to mention, although I had a feeling that that's what happened.

Ryzaki clicked his tongue before disappearing back into my mindscape.

I stare at his spot for a quick second before sighing,

Have I changed so much that you've fallen out of love with me?

I didn't get a response, but it's not like I was expecting one.

Everyone has something that is too sensitive to talk about or something they dislike sharing.

This was Ryzaki's thing. Whenever I had jokingly asked him about our relationship his demeanor changed and the atmosphere became serious.

Although he is good at hiding his emotions, his eyes never failed at betraying him. The way it dulled ever so slightly as the pain seeped in and his yellow eyes stopped glowing like it always did.


I smirked  mischievously as I went to interrupt Ryzaki, "So we've been together for about 2000 years and you're telling me you haven't fallen in love with me?"

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