A day in the garden .

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"Todoroki ran around the garden smiling softly , as he ran to go touch one of the flower , he tripped over a rock and scraped his knee, it was nothing serious but still he was crying Bescause it hurt him, he screamed for his father because he was the closest to him at the moment .

"Enji walked outside to see what shoto was yelling about, he looked the ground at shoto with a slight look of disgust on his face"
"Get up b
oy your fine "he grabbed shoto and picked him up and put him on his feet" it's just a tiny scratch you'll be fine and stop being such a crybaby "

"Shoto continued to cry even with his father " comforting him" "sighed at him" im not gonna tell you again shoto stop crying your fine " "but it still hurts shoto said sniffing "

" enji held his wrist and brought him to the bathroom and he grabs a wet cloth and wiped the grazed area" "he showed him the cloth "there's not blood on the cloth stop crying "he hit him and his neck and pushed him out the bathroom"

Time 12:56
Time took to write this: 25-30 minutes
Day: Thursday,dec 8th 2022
Word count: 211

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