A bike ride (🌻)

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*katsuki rode his bike down the rode Bescause his father didn't want him going to far down and getting lost because , he was only 7 years old and didn't trust him to go to far away , "katsuki rode over a pot hole and fell off his bike and hit his head not to the point where he could get brain damage but it did hurt a lot "

"Marsaru walked to katsuki because he heard him crying" quiet katsuki your fine "he wiped his head off Bescause he had some dirt on his forhead" "katsuki got up and showed him his head " " your fine katsuki got lay down or something stop being a crybaby"

"katsuki countied to cry " "Marsaru picked him up and bought him to his bed room and laid him down" "go to bed katsuki , sleep the pain off of something "he tucked him in and turned the light off and walked out the room

"Katsuki wasn't sleep he stayed up and cried and the. He cried himself to sleep , marsaru sat at the table and drank not to the point he was drunk he just drank and got up and went in his own room and laid down and watched tv then fell asleep
Time tooken : 10 minutes
Time : 1:13

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