What there fuck are we?

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:"your very werid" "denki said to himself"
" shut the fuck up  you talk to damn much" "shoto said" "awww shoto is protecting his boyfriend " kiri said " "Mina laughed" it's ok new boy there just fucking with you don't get to mad, "the bus laughed"
" aizawa told them to quiet down"
" I really don't care what any of you say all your opinions are irrelevant in the only person I listen to is my boss" "shoto said looking out the window

"irrelevant I thought we were friends?!" "Midoriya yelled"
" I don't ever remember saying that"
" Woww soo rude "
"katsuki's my only friend"
"Uh shoto I do do that friend thing?"
"Don't care you don't have any other choice
"He just gave up he did not feel like aguring with him because he knew he was gonn lose if he did"
"The bus stopped at this abandoned looking building "
"It's looks horrible but I promise it looks good on the outside "aizawa promised "
"He started to list out the roommates names"
Midoriya & Denali
Shoto and katsuki
Mina and ochaco
& ect and ect..
"Aizawa handed the keys out and shoto grabbed the keys" hurry up katsuki .
"I'm coming dipshit"
"So rude"
"I am not rude your just irritating "
Midoriya: can I come?
"No" "katsuki said"
"Ya sure"
"What the fuck shoto I just said no!"
"They got to the room and katsuki went and laid on the couch "
Time: 9:52
Time took to write: 25 minutes
Day: Fri Dec 9th
Word count: 250

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