A altercation at the park

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"Shoto came back home bursied because he had went to the park earlier that day with his fathers permission and some older boys picked on him"

"Enji was pissed at shoto , shoto tried to explain himself but he was crying so hard the the words were muffled by his tears , "Enji looked down at shoto with disgust in his eyes and a hint of disappointment, shoto didn't know what he did wrong he was the one who got his ass beat , shoto looked up a him with eyes filled with tears , Enji didn't even look shoto back in his eyes " shoto go lay down of something the bruises aren't that harsh so you'll be fine, and stop crying all the damn time !

"Shoto ran to his room to look in the mirror it was a big mark by his eyes but the swelling was going down seeing the mark so how made it hurt even worst so he started to cry but quietly because he didn't want to get it trouble he hated when his father yelled at him for things he coulnt control, his father was the type to believe boys don't have or need emotions.

Time: 8;15
Time took to write: 15 ish minutes
Day: fri dec 9 2022
Word count : 213

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