Im not gay!

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"Katsuki get up" "shoto said in an annoyed tone"
"I'm fine right here tho"
"You have your own fucking room tho you idiot"
"Nah I think your the fucking idiot "
"I don't even give a fuck I hope you get bed bugs from that couch"
"How the h- never mind I don't wanna know
"Katsuki went and closed the
Door on midoriya face" I don't know why the hell you said he could come in here in the first place"
"I was trying to be nice katsuki"
"Wow surprised you know what that word even means" "shoto went in his room and closed the door , katsuki knocked on it because he was bored but shoto didn't asnwer" I know you fucking hear me!" "Katsuki gave up after a while and just went to Stella down in the kitchen "

A Few Hours Passed
" Aizawa looked for shoto " midoriya have you seen shoto?" "Yes him and katsuki have been locked up in there room doing gosh knows what" "so know of you thought to go check up on them" "Denki laughed" the new boy said he doesn't want are help and katsuki barely likes us! "Lower your voice denki" "so y'all haven't seen them since they went in there room's interesting " "Mina yelled out" there probably fucking! "Midoriya yelled back" ew! Why would the new kid fucking katsuki out of all people ! "Can one of you go check on them for me" "midoriyas hand shot up" I'll do it! "Denki can you go check for me" "yes sure Denki said as he walked away"
"Denki got to the dorm and knocked on the door " 'they were both asleep on eachother , no fucking clue that happened " shoto got off katsuki and walked to the door , katsuki felt the weight of shoto lift off his body so he also woke up" "he opened the door" what the hell is it? "Denki looked at him" nothing just checking up on you guys to make sure your not dead ohh and Aizawa wants to see you both right now" "denki walked away not giving shoto time to respond" "shoto yelled to katsuki" go get dressed mr aizawa needs us"
( the outfits )

A Few Hours Passed " Aizawa looked for shoto " midoriya have you seen shoto?" "Yes him and katsuki have been locked up in there room doing gosh knows what" "so know of you thought to go check up on them" "Denki laughed" the new boy said he doesn't...

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"Katsuki trailed behind shoto , "he looked at shoto and looked down at himself realizing they were matching , "katsuki tripped over a whole in the carpet and grabbed onto shoto and pulled him down with him" "shoto yelled" get off of me "he blushed...

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"Katsuki trailed behind shoto , "he looked at shoto and looked down at himself realizing they were matching , "katsuki tripped over a whole in the carpet and grabbed onto shoto and pulled him down with him" "shoto yelled" get off of me "he blushed and they both got up quickly and whipped themselves off "not to be a dick shoto    it was a fucking accident" "katsuki ran to the rest of the class because he was tired of  his shit" "shoto trailed behind katsuki and walked to where the rest of the class was"  "finally " "aizawa said as he saw the two boys" "boys I have a mission for you both"

"What the hell is with you putting me and shoto together all the time! "Language katsuki and I saw that you and shoto are very fond of eachother so I thought you would like being with eachother "fond?! I'm not gay!" "Katsuki said "Mina yelled out"damn katsuki shut up " katsuki blew raspberry's and rolled his eyes" "thank you Mina " mr aizawa "ok like I was trying to say before the love birds came here Mina and Denki will be your eyes in ears on this mission as you infiltrate the organization

"Shoto raised his hand and then spoke" with all due respect I don't think I will need help with this mission I'm very capable of doing this by myself, "we all know that shoto but we're a team and teams work together" "denim yelled out" let him do it by himself! He'll learn that without us he's dead! "Katsuki spat back at him" that sounds like a death ish denki because if he goes by himself and dies I'm gonna kill you "Mina smiled" ooo~ katsukis protecting his boyfriend "  im not gay!

Time: 5:06
Time took to write : 1 hour
Date: Thursday Dec 8th 2022
Word count: 676

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