My only friend

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"May I leave now?" "Katsuki asked he was pissed and didn't want to be his class anymore" "aizawa nodded you all may sleep that's all I wanted to know" cmon shoto! I need the key "shoto walked to him and they both started to walked together the class went "ooo~" "as they walked to there dorm" 
"There so fucking werid " "katsuki said"
"I think it's cute"
"Shoto how them thinking we're gay cute"
"There supportive like even if we were gay they would support us"
"Ya your definitely gay aren't you
"Now why the fuck so you think that katsuki"
"Bescause your thinking to hard into this it's never that serious"
" I am not!l
"There arrived to the dorm and shoto unlocked it" "you wanna watch a movie katsuki?"
"Uh sure"
"Yay. Because you didn't have another choice"
"You really need to make more friends"
"Nah I like you"
"Like me? Shoto your gay aren't you"
"Hell no! I'm not one of those"
"Ya whatever you liar  "shoto went and sat on the couch"
"Katsuki walked in the kitchen area I'll make some popcorn put a movie on"
"You wanna watch heart stopper it's a series"
"Ya sure I've never heard of it tho what's it about"
"Uh this girl and her bf falling in love"
"Mk put it on"
"Shoto turned the movie on and laid down while katsuki made popcorn on the stove"
"Put it in the microwave katsuki and hurry up!
"Shut up shoto it tastes better on the stove"
"Oh you fucking liar"
"Did Mr aizawa tell you when the mission is?"
"No, but I believe it's tomorrow night or tomorrow morning can't remember so no worry"
"You better be right shoto or I'm gonna kill t you "katsuki finished the popcorn & put it in a bowl and went and sat by shoto " "shoto was half asleep by the time katsuki went to sit by him "he sat down next to shoto and they watched tv" hey shoto you awake" " yes dipshit I'm awake" damn no need to be rude " "you just say the stupidest shit something katsuki"
"WhTever , You sure this the right show?"
"Yes I'm sure now let me sleep" "shoto went to sleep with his head on katsukis chest" "and katsuki stayed up but didn't movie as he watched the show kinda disgusted but he didn't wanna wake shoto up , "he thought to himself" this show is so fucking gay"

Time: 5:40
Time took to write: 15 minutes
Date Thursday Dec 8th 2022
Word count: 424

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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