A hard gamble (🌻)

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"Marsaru yelled for katsuki to come down the stairs "katsuki come here!" "He was watching tv so he turned his tv off and walked downstairs to meet his father" yes father? "He
asked with a blank look on his face" "Masaru had a sly grin on his face , "can hi katsuki
"Katsuki apologized he didn't know why he didn't see the two tall men standing above him" " my apologies I didn't see them "he said and then he looked at the men" hello, nice to meet you.
"Marsaru looked at katsuki, so katsuki these are my friends and they'll be taking you for a some time ok?" "What?!" "Katsuki shouted out" " I don't know these people! Why would I go with them" "Marsaru glared at katsuki" stop being rude! "Rude?!" " I just met these people there no way in hell I'm going with them" "one of the men picked katsuki up" "we knew you one gonna struggle to listen to my orders so I packed your bags in advance " "one of the tall men picked his bag up " "katsuki kicked and scream for the man to let him go , he was scared and not knowing we're the hell he was going made his fear way worst. "I'm tired of your shit" the man holding katsuki said he grabbed a needle out his pocket and stabbed it in to katsuki's upper on "he started to slowly drift away to sleep "the last thing he saw was his father waving him goodbye
Time : 8:30 an
Time took to write this :13 minutes
Day : Dec 9th 2022

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