The New Kid

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"Katsuki sat in the back of the class talking to eijiro , katsuki was the loner type, everyone knew him and he knew everyone but he didn't really like making new friends or making friends in the first place, katsuki went to amsalja haekeo High, after he got "kidnapped " or more like sold by his father he was "adopted" by assassins and they put him in this school, the school wasn't as bad as he thought it would be it was actually a really cool place, he was homeschooled for most of middle school Bescause he kept trying to run away any chance he could "

" Aizawa told to the class to quiet down so he could speak" we're gonna have a new student today so please try to not kill him or eachother on his first day"

"Shoto walked in the room he had that type of cold atmosphere that could make an entire room focus on him in a matter of seconds , he had an emotionless look, he wore a back turtle neck, black jeans and a black hoodie "

"Aizawa noticed shoto as soon as he walked in the room, you read for class new kid? "Shoto nodded " yes sir , "he walked to the back of the class close to katsuki but not close enough to were they could touch or even talk to eachother

"Midoriya laughed" he reminds me of katsuki" nobody knows we're he came from either he just randomly showed up freshman year it was soo werid like he walked in already pissed off with this stone cold look on his face it was terrifying "

"Aizawa: ok  class settle down, today we're gonna go on a field trip type mission" you can sit it out today if you want shoto"shoto looked up at him" "i still wanna go." "Ok"

"Denki hand shot up" "aizawa looked at him" "yes?. kaminari do you have a question" "yes sir ,uh we're are we going" "that's a secret aizawa said but I promise the mission won't be to dangerous it's like a warm up practice for this year "the class sighed as the bell rung

"Aizawa got up" cmon students "he lead them outside to the busses and counted to kids as they walked in the bus to make
Sure they were all there "

Denki, midoriya ,and eijiro goes in the front of the bus" "todoroki and katsuki sat at the back of the bus "they stared at eachother with confusion " "katsuki got tired of the staring match they were having at he put his hand out " hello, I'm katsuki "he had a sly smile of his face for a second, " shoto looked at katsuki's hand eith disgust and ignored it and looked outside the window he had never been this far out of town , "shoto started to feel "bad" hello, uh katsuki nice necklace or whatever that thing on your neck is , "katsuki looked at him" it's not a necklace
"Shoto looked at him" soo your kinky uh um nice chocker" "katsuki looked at him" no! I'm not kinky that's werid "shoto got annoyed he didn't want to talk to him in the first place anyway" "what the hell is it the ?"

"Mina looked at shoto " "I wouldn't waste my time on that idiot he's stupid , he probably is just kinky "she laughed" "shoto " ya whatever I still want to know what it is". "He glared at the new kid" it's nun of your god damn business new kid to worry to much, "
"Mina looked at shoto " oh I forgot to tell you my name ima mina! I'm lever B hacker"
"Katsuki looked at mina" I don't think he asked" "I didn't and you talk a lot to be a damn hacker shoto said adverting his eyes from the window to mina" "mina laughed " Yaa I get that a lot sorry!"

Mina: "points to denki" that's Denki he's in. Charge of weapons ! If you ever need anything he's your guy" "I won't need shit from this school so I don't care and I already know who everyone on this bus is""the whole bus looked back at him" "Tsuyu was the first one the ask a question" "how to do you know that you just moved here , or we'll I've never seen you before so I'm amusing you did! "that is none of your concen Tuuyu Asui" "Kiri shrugged his shoulders , we're a team so there's no point in being shit we're gonna find out sooner or later"
" shoto looked at him with confusion "how does that have to do anything with are jobs "
"Kiri rolled his eyes " we need to know if we can trust you or not if your keeping secrets then there's no way I'm gonna trust you with my life"

"Shoto groaned" " I do not give a fuck if you trust me or not the only thing you need to worry about is if I'm a good assassin. And I'm promise you I'm a great one"

"Katsuki laughed" ya well I'll be the judge of that because they already the best assassin they could ask for"
"Shoto looked around" who what's there name I proably know what they look like if you give mw a name!" "Katsuki got pissed" are you that slow! It's me dumbass!" "Ohhh your nothing to worry about katsuki " "the bus laughed at katsuki " fuck you all
Time:9:10 am
Time took to write this:30 minutes
Day : fri, Dec 9th 2022
Word count: 937

Just to clarify they go to a school for assassins and hackers and all that shit so I'm sorry if you were confused


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