2:Flowing Yellow

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___2 weeks later___

I woke up today and headed for our meeting place when I heard two people talking "I think they look so cute together!" One said and I tilted my head to the side as I eavesdropped on their talk.

"Yeah I know. Minato and Kushina are a great couple." the other one said an my heart sank. "How long have they been a couple?" Another person asked. "I think it was ever since the time she was almost kidnapped." a different one said.

I sighed at how I didn't notice and I moved forward towards our meeting place. "No wonder she was always by him even though she's not on our team." I mumbled.

I got to the meeting place and walked towards my group with a smile.
(Their all 14years old.)

___3 years later___

Me and Minato are going on a mission now. We are to destroy a factory that Creates weapons for the enemy. Kushina is also on this mission, but she's with another ANBU where they are to distract while we destroy.

When we got to the factory it was a bunch of slaves making the weapons.... Even children.... "I'll get them out of here. Don't stop at all. I'll get them out in time." I said and he nodded and flashed away.

I cut everyone's chains and yelled "Get out now! This place is going to explode!" They all gasped and ran towards the exit. "My child! Where's my little girl?!" A woman yelled.

"Get out of here! I'll get her I promise!" I yelled and she ran out crying. I searched the whole thing and couldn't find her. "Are you out of there?" Minato asked through the ear piece I had. "Almost there's a little girl still here." I said and found her. I ran up to her and grabbed her tightly.

"Come on let's go find your mom." I said and she nodded as she hiccups into my shoulder. I stood up and then Minato said "Ninja are coming! I have to do it now!" I sighed as a smile crept it's way on my face.

"Olay, do it. I'm almost out." I said and ran for the exit. I saw it coming up and I heard a click from behind me He must have needed to... I gathered up strength and threw the girl out through the open door. "Sorry, for throwing you." I apologized and then everything exploded.

I was grown forward but brought back before being thrown again. Everything went black after I hit something.

Minato's prov

A little girl came flying out of the building so I flashed there and caught her. The mother ran up I her and the building exploded. "Where's Shani?" I asked the woman and her eyes widened in realization.

"Oh my god... She was looking for my little girl... Oh my god.... she died saving my little girl!" She said and hugged the little girl to her chest and cried more.

"Dammit." I cursed and jumped into the flames to find her. I found a laying figure on the ground so I ran over to them and crouched down. I rolled them over and it was Shani.

I checked her pulse and sighed with relief as I felt her blood pumping. I picked her up bridal style and rushed out of the flaming rubble.

I jumped out and landed in front of the rest of the team. "Is she okay?!" Sakumo said and peered down at her. "She's alive." I said and he backed away.

"Let's go before they catch up." Sakumo finally said and I nodded. Please be okay... Shani.

***Small time skip***

Shani's prov

I opened my eyes slightly and the beeping of a heart monitor filled my ears. I groaned in pain as I propped myself up and soon I saw a fuzzy flash of yellow and my pack was propped up with pillows.

I looked at the yellow fuzz questioningly. "The doctor said you vision would be fuzzy for a couple days." Minato said. So that's Minato. "Okay..." I replied awkwardly and I was pulled into an embrace.

"Don't.... do that again..." Minato said and I smiled gently. "I'll try." I answered and awkwardly hugged him back. He pulled back and, what I think, looked at me and said "The mother wanted to give you this."

His blurred arm stretched out to me with a sea-green and dark brown color in his palm. "What is it?" I asked and he chuckled. "It's a pendant. She was wearing it but she told me to give it to you in thanks for saving her little girl." he explained.

"Oh... I can't put it on though." I said and he tilted his blurry head. "I can't see which part to hook." I finished and I think he nodded. "Here." He said and stepped behind me.

I felt his hands brush against my neck as he parted my hair so he could put it on. A tingle in that area spread through my entire body when he touched me. I need to work on this... he's dating Kushina.

"Done." he said gently and I put my hair back to normal. I muttered a thanks and a nurse walked in. "You can leave today but you'll need someone to watch you." She said and left the room.

"How long was I out?" I asked and he replied saying "4 days." I sighed and slowly took out the I.V. that was stuck in my arm.

"I'm going home." I said and he nodded. "Okay." He said an helped me walk home.

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