6:Who is that?

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???'s prov

"Who am i really?" i asked myself and heard a groan come from the man. He opened his eyes and repeated what i did when i had opened mine. "What is going on?" he asked himself and sat up. He looked at me questioningly with beautiful blue eyes and the he said "Shani?"

"Who is that?" i asked and his own eyes widened. "I don't know... when i saw you it just came out." he said and i nodded. "Same thing happened with me. I think that my name is apparently Shani and yours is Minato." i deducted and he nodded in understanding.

"We must have lost our memories and knew each other in our life." he said thoughtfully and i nodded.... I think i loved him.... but the love is a painful one.... so does that mean? I looked at his finger and their was no ring. He must have had some one else then.

I tried to remember more but i couldn't.

Minato's prov

I studied her as she seemed to be in deep thought. For some reason whenever i looked at her i feel a bit weird and yet i feel hurt.... Did she have someone else? and did i love her? I looked at her as she looked down at the ground still not breaking her thoughts.

I don't know what to doubt i have a felling that we need to leave. I grabbed her wrist and started walking in the opposite direction of the bad feeling. "Where are we-?' She stopped talking and then said "For some reason i have a bad feeling coming from behind us."

"I have the same feeling." i said and we started running. I looked at our speed and furrowed my brow. "How can we go so fast?" i asked and felt an energy boost every step i took. "It feels so natural." Shani said in fascination and then i saw a couple men stand in front of us. I stopped walking and they looked at us with smug looks.

"What do we have here?" They asked and i stiffened. I don't know how to fight! I Glanced at her and she seemed to be in deep thought again. "We're just going to have a little fun with your lady friend." one of them said and i glanced at Shani to see her eyes wide.

I was suddenly thrown into a tree and saw another one back shani into a tree. She whimpered as the man tore off her shirt. I instinctively formed an energy in my hand and hit the man with a blue glowing ball. The man flew away spinning and the rest of them ran away.

"H-How did you do that?" she asked and i shrugged. "I dont know....." i answered and she nodded. I took off the jacket i had and handed it to her with my head pointed away from her.

"Here... for your..... um.... Body." i said and she snatched the jacket from me. After i heard a 'zip' i turned around to face her. "Ready?" i asked and she nodded. "I think a cave is over their on that cliff." she pointed out and pointed in the direction of a giant cliff wall.

"Okay, we stay there." i said and she nodded.

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