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Shani's prov

I looked at Minato and sighed. "I think that before we lost our memories we wher ninja." i said randomly and he nodded."You where probably thinking the same thing." i continued and he was silent.

"I think that we might have forgotten our past on purpose." i added to my thinking out loud. "Maybe something happened that we wanded to forget..." i said and a gloom came over the cave. "Something that bad huh?" he said and i gulped."Its just a theory of mine though." i said.

"Yeah, your right lets not dwell on it." he said with aa smile. My heart skipped a beat at his smile and i looked down at my feet that where folded beneath me. "Yeah, your right." i replied and his smile grew.

Lets see what we can do about cloths and maybe become travelers to find these memories of ours." he said and i noddewd. I walked over to where he was and leaned on him for warmth because i was freezing and watched the fire that crackled in front of us.

"Thank you for showing strength, it really helped me keep controll of my emotions." i thanked and he merely nodded. i then dozedoff into the slumber that i needed.

I woke up with a heavy groggyness to myself and propped myself up with my elbow. I looked next to me to see minato laying there sound assleep. I must have fallen asleep on his chest.

"Hey minato." i said and looked at the died out fire in front of the both of us. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. I yawned and stood up. Streaching i popped my back and he followed suit. "Do you think that we should build a cabin just to have somewhere to return to?" he asked and i felt a weight lift off my body.

"That makes me feel better." i answered truthfuly and he smiled. "Lets get started." he said and i smiled back.

we walked out of the cave and looked around for a small clearing that barely noticible. "Look! Thats so pretty!" i said excitedly and ran to a little hill that was in just the right clearing and was by a stream. "This will do perfectly." he said and i nodded.

"We need to gather wood, go as far from the house but stilll in a hearing distanceso that we can help each other if needed." he explained and i nodded.

We both headed in opposite directions and i found a couple trees with sturdy wood. I stared at the tree blankly and then i formed the same think minato used and hit the tree with it. "I can do it too." i said as the tree felll causing a loud thump.

Minato came running and he asked "What happened?" he saw the tree and looked at me questioningly. "I did that wierd blue thing that you did before." i said and he nodded. "Well at least we can use it to take down trees." he said and i smiled slightly.

___3 months later___

I looked at the finished product and smiled brightly.I looked to minato who had a cape on him and had some scrapes and bruises. We both laughed at each others beaten state and i fell to my butt.

He crouched down and smiled at me as he waved his hand at me and i giggled. "Our home of wood." i said beaming with joy. "Our home... A place we belong." i said and he smiled softly.

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