Part 11

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Thank you so much for your precious comments. And I'm sorry for not able to replay as I'm lil busy. But soon I'll do it. 😌


Ani. You here. What you doing here shivaay. She remarks looking at him angrily

Shiv. I've cAme to take my wife and kids with me.  He flinch  running his fingers in his hair

Ani.which wife and kids you are talking about shivaay. I don't think so any of them lives here. Your wife should be in oberoi mansion along with her parents who got homeless recently.

Shiv.  No one is in oberoi mansion and if people are there then they are waiting for you only no on else.  So let's go.  Family is longing for you

Ani. They are not longing for me shivaay. Their son is happy with their wife whom he loves so much so I don't think so My presence is needed there.

Shiv.  It's nothing like that Anika. Malika is not there not even her family. I had thrown her out from home last night only. 

Ani. O plz Atleast don't lie infront of me now.  I know you are lying so that I could come with you and again do your work like a maid.  Isn't

Shiv. I agreed I did mistakes but for my mistakes don't give punishment to my kids.  They needs father. So think about them Anika and come back

Ani.  When their father was with them that time as well they were fatherless. Their father was busy in his le world where he was kept  ranting name of his first wife.   Leave all this you tell me. Have you ever spend a day with your kids or have you ever left a chance to humiliate me infront of kids. Did you.

Shivaay didn't answer and bent his head down

Ani. Look you don't have any answer. If you would had then you would had never bent your head done. Look shivaay I've already bear loads of and now I don't have that much capability to  handle it. So it's better you leave me on my own and go to your work I've back. Whose place I had took unknowingly

Shi.  You never took someone's place ani. You had your place in my life

Anu. Yes I had which was hate only and I was burning in that

Shiv.  I'm sorry

Anu.  Shivay don't make me shout at you infront of kids.  So it's better you leave from here. 

Shiv.  I can't you don't know from last night how much I've searched you.  Every park every hotel I've Checked you.  But when I didn't get trace of you I felt like my breath has been stopped.  I was feeling so scared and suffocation.  I wanted to see you meet you but you were no where to seen. He sobs moving towards her with slow steps

Ani. I don't think so it was needed to search me mr oberoi. I  was not that important whom for you were getting worried. In whole two years. You never talked to me politely. Always shouted at me only and now showing me like you love me more than anything. Isn't so hypocrisy.

Shiv.  But you also hide from me na. If you would had told me then I'm sure we would had been happy with each other.  Even our kids won't had suffered.

Ani. If you would had given me little assurance then I'm sure I would had loved to tell you. But you didn't always  criticised me.  She sobs hugging her kids who are looking at their father with bluish eyes. 

Shiv. I'm sorry. I'm soo sorry. He cups her face joining head with her.

Shiv. Plz come back ani.  Just come back

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