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Days past the alpha used come to there
Everynight. But he didn't try to talk to him.Sometimes the omega doesn't use to go there and those time the sky would have been cloudy or no moon.

One night when the alpha was doing the same routine of his. But all of sudden someone held his shoulder. Namjoon turned to see who disturbed him.

"What do you want?" He growled

"Oh hey. Nice to meet you. Looks like you're busy" The unknown spoke

"Oh h-hey" He shuttered in embarrassed

"So what are you doing here"The other spoke

"I'm sorry I don't know you"The alpha said

"So, I'm Min yoongi. And I belong from the Min's of royal. An alpha and the son's of min." The second one spoke

Namjoon widened his and bowed and said "I'm sorry for being rude towards you. I didn't knew you were from the royal min's family "

"It's okay I can understand you. So aren't you Rm. And can I ask you what are you doing by watching my naked cousin" The royal alpha spoke.

"Me? Yea I'm Rm. And your Cousin is my mate. And I like him" He said shyly

"Wow that's great! But staring at him will give you nothing"

"Umm yes but I can't do anything. If I just go there. He will think bad about me. And no one is allowed in palace."

"Ah! Yes what should we do?" The second alpha said in a frustrated tone

Namjoon was surprised by seeing the other alpha helping him get his love.
"Can I ask you something? Is he the kim or Jeon and why does he sleeps naked"
Namjoon spoke.

"He?He is you know about the moon family" min spoke

"Oh yea the most magical family alive" He said in astonishment

"It's actually a curse for the royal families all over the earth. The reason behind us not coming out. We have been chosen as the moons. We are only allowed to come out when the moonlight falls on earth " Yoongi said trying his best to explain the other." And Jin he is blessed that if he sleeps beneath moonlight he will never lose his beauty."

"Can we break the curse"

"Yea but only a true alpha can break the curse. By the help of his mate." The short alpha spoke not knowing that the other was a true alpha

But Namjoon thought to keep it a secret and reveal at the time when needed

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