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As the two alphas were talking there was someone who was betrayed.

"Why isn't he leaving Hyung alone. I should go talk to him." An omega spoke. He was Namjoon's coach. Park jimin. Jimin's parents died at very young age but Namjoon took the responsibilities of Jimin.

Jimin was angry at the fact that the other guy isn't letting his Hyung watch his mate. Jimin thought to talk with the other guy. He slowly tried to get out of the room where the other omega was sleeping. And the other omega was Namjoon's brother. Kim Taehyung. But then suddenly Jimin heard a noise.

"Jimin. Why aren't you sleeping??"

"Taehyung. You woke up Nvm a guy isn't letting Hyung watch his mate. So I'm going talk to the boy"

"Aishh. Jimin that might be Important"

"There's nothing more Important than you mate" Jimin said in a sassy voice.

"Oh Really!! You haven't found your mate yet." Tae said raising his one eyebrow.

"Stfu. So will you join me or not." Jimin said leaving Taehyung alone.

"Wa-wait Jimin. I'm coming" He said running towards Jimin.

Both of them were walking slowly not making single noise. But then Taehyung smelled something.

"What's the smell. Banana and milk. Omo. Omo. I found my mate."Taehyung said following the scent. Leaving Jimin ."It's coming from the backside" He slowly peeked to see who was there but then he saw someone at the window. "Don't tell me my mate is thief" He said face palming.

Taehyung but then started running towards his room. When he opened the door of his he saw his mate hiding behind the window.

"You!! Why are you hiding." Taehyung said in a warning tone.

Hearing Taehyung's words. His mate came out.

"Look I'm sorry for hidin-" The other guy was cut off by Taehyung."Who are you??"

"Well I'm Jeon Jungkook. An alpha." He said scratching his neck.

Taehyung widened his eyes "Aren't you from the royal family. But what are you doing here."

"Umm..I-" Jungkook stuttered a bit.

"Come on. Be fast." Taehyung said raising his one eyebrow.
Sorry to everyone reading this. I'll post the other part soon.😅

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