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I literally have no idea. Why I made this page. :)).

I'm adding POVs because Jimin kind of owns this page

_Jimin's point of view._

I woke to someone blasting some kind of???

R&B music

I bet it's Taehyung. He is the only one who listens to it. But you know these songs are vibe tho-

I just woke up from my bed. Not able to bare the music. Doing everything. I do every morning.

I am done with everything. And now I will. Just get a good meal.

I started running downstairs when you can here Taehyung's deep voice. The fact that when we were in High school all the fucking girls. Were crazy over his voice. Like have they ever heard his voice after he wakes u-

Wait someone joined Taehyung in singingh too. Who is it.
I was now at living area. And damn I never knew that jinyoung Hyung's voice. Wow.

I just sat the nearest chair. I had and heard them sing.

And boom. I got a sudden urge to sing. I joined them. At first both of them looked at me. I think they didn't feel my  presence.

Now we three finished a whole song. It was really fun. But we seem tired.

"Jimin and Taehyung. You have such a great voices." Jinyoung hyung smiled at us. Did I mentioned that he is really good looking. If no than he is.

"Hyung you too have a perfect voice" Taehyung spoke.

I just watched them talking. But my stomach broke their conversation and made a noise.

They looked at me.

"Excuse me but. I'm hungry and the food smells delicious." I bite my lips

"Oh ok. You and Taehyung wait. I'm bringing the food" with that jinyoung hyung left.

"Where is joon and Jackson. Hyung??" I questioned Taehyung

Taehyung looked towards me. "They are outside"

"But why." I said as eyes followed jinyoung hyung who was with plates with food in it.

"Ofc for some alpha shit" jinyoung hyung stated


(Time skip to late)

Everyone is asleep. Except me.
Maybe I should check on them.

I explored every room. And all of them are sleeping.  But the strange thing is Namjoon hyung is sleeping too.

I think I should just get a round of this place. I haven't really since we shifted.

I ran towards the main door slowly. And successfully none of them woke.

But thud!! I heard some small footsteps.

I turned around to see who was it. I sighed a relief seeing Taehyung.

"What are you doing here tae." I asked

"Ab- yesterday kook called to meet him." I smirked at his sentence.

"I see. Some nicknames. And is that a date." You know Taehyung blushed at my sentence.

"No no it's j-just he wants to know me." Taehyung looked down.

"Ok ok. Stop being cute. And let's go." I said as I opened the door. Like those gentlemens do.

"You going with me." Taehyung looked at the door nob and then me.

"Well. I'm not interested in ruining anyone's date" I spoked


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