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'This chapter contains all about the things that happens in palace. It may not contain Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jackson or Jinyoung. Hope you Enjoy. :) ♡


It was a good morning to the kim prince. He woke up stretching his arms and yawning. He rubbed his eyes and get down from his brd. He straight up went to the bathroom  to do his routine.

After few times he went down to have his morning meal. He just wished a 'good morning' to everyone. Even if it was the mate. He sat at the huge dining table near him displayed with delicious food.

He sat at the table after bowing to his parents. He then picked a fork to start his breakfast. The kims were all having there food when Jin's  father talked "Excuses me. Seokjin but have you found your mate.?

"Huh??you are asking me have you found your mate. Without actually letting me step out of this place." Jin said in anger

"Seokjin manners!!" His mom said as she wiped the food in her mouth with some tissue

"I'm not letting you go is because you're the moon boy. And going out when there's no moonlight may affect you alot. You're free to visit at night." The kim king said.

"But- All we have is just two-three huge mansions of the powerful alphas. And the city is far for me."

"I know. But we somehow need to mange it." Jin's mother said while leaving the table

"I am too finished eating." Jin spoke.

His father was left alone. He sighed. He too felt sad for his. He wanted to show him they beautiful places outside.


It was too a normal morning for Yoongi. He was all fresh up and was roaming around the palace. Whistling a song.

He was now near Jungkook room. Yoongi thought of meeting Jk and come.

He pushed the doors of the room to see Jk on his bed.

"Good morning" Yoongi wished the smaller

"Morning." The other replied as he changed his sleeping position to sitting.

"You look tired. Didn't you get enough sleep." Yoongi spoke as he sat at the bed.

"Hyung. I didn't sleep. And the hobi. He woke me early."

"Hmm. 11am isn't early. But can I ask what is the reason of you not sleeping 'cause you love your sleep."

"I do love sleep but not more then you do. And last night was a beautiful night. Hyung I think I'm in love" Jk spoke and sighed.

"Oh. Really. Who is the one??"

"It is." A sudden blushed appeared on Jungkook's face "Follow me." Jk said as stood.

"Ah. Kid I don't want to. I'm comfortable here." Yoongi snuggled into Jk's bed.

"Common." Jungkook holds Yoongi's hand. And drags him.

"Where we going?" Yoongi asked following Jungkook.

"We are going to seokjin Hyung's room."

Jins room

The both alpha were now at Jin's room's window.

"Look Hyung. There. There is where my lover stays and his name is Taehyung. Kim Taehyung" Yoongi could notice sparks in Jungkook's eye.

"Yea. Yea. Now can we le-" he was cut off by someone.

"What you doing here." It was seokjin.

Yoongi sighed a relief "Nothing useful to you"

"Idiot. It's my room."

"Hyung. I was showing him someone special to me."

"Really. Who is it."

"There. That mansion." Jk gave a smile and pointed.

"Good for you" Jin said as he peeked through the glass window."You like him and whats his name."

"I do like him. A-and his name is Taehyung"

"I see. But you can't just marry anyone else other than your mate. I'm sorry Kook" Jin said with a sad face.

"Can I get to know what's going on here?" A voice interrupted them.

"Hobi-ah what you doing here." Jin spoke

"Yea. I'm your beloved friend who has the responsibility of the palace. So better keep that on mind. I'm free to go anywhere." Jhope slapped Jin's worldwide shoulder. "But what are you three alphas doing here."

"It's nothing" Jungkook said with a sad face

Hobi noticed Jk and said"Oh. Btw what you want for lunch kookie"

"Anything Hyung."

"Aww. Why is my kook so sad. Common lets get some banana milk." Jhope tried his best to make Jungkook. And he did succeed

"Really. Then let's go." He said with a cute smile.

Yoonjin watched the two leave the room. Jin gave a sudden glance to Yoongi.

"Fine. I'm leaving. I know you don't like peoples in you're room" Yoongi said while raising his hand.

"Good. You listen to me." Jin said in a proud tone.

"I'm not afraid of you. It's because. I don't want people to be like. 'Omo how did he died' and the other guy be like 'He died because of some slippers.' "

"Will you fucking leave. Or your dead cause will be same"

"Ok. Ok  Bye your highness" Yoongi bowed to Jin

"Fuck you" Jin said and showed a middle finger.


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