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"Y'all stop teasing me and better sleep. We have guests tomorrow" RM said those words and tucked them to bed.He then left the room

"Ahh!it was a good day." Namjoon said sighing tired of the day


Next day. It was just a normal morning. Namjoon woke late as he took a leave. Because of 'Someone'

He then leave his room to get a view of his kidss. He opened the bit of the door not to disturb them. But instead of seeing them in their room, He saw no one at there. He frowned seeing the room. But then he heard some giggles down at the living room.

He checked down. And saw a cute scenario of two cute head watching cartoons and laughing at funny scenes.

"Good morning" Namjoon said showing a small smile.

The two head turned around at the sudden voice. Both of them made a smile and backing him the wishing.

"Morning Hyung"
"Good morning Hyung"

"So both woke up early today"

"Of course Hyung. You said we have someone special today. And bruh It's almost 10" Taehyung said pointing at Namjoon

"Wait its 10 am." Namjoon said looking at the clock "Did you had your breakfast?"

"Yes!! The maids aren't late like you are." Taehyung said scrunching his nose.

Jimin hit Taehyung's head and said "Manners Taehyung. It's the first time you woke first and also stop being sassy thats my job"

"Thanks Jimin. You are the only one who understand me. Now you are my favorite."

Taehyung widened his eyes "No no no! Please Hyung. I'm sorry. I love you. Please make me your fav too" Taehyung praised Namjoon

Namjoon chuckles at Taehyung's reaction "It's okay. I was just lying. You both are my favorite. Come both of you give me a hug" He opened his arms for a hug.

Taehyung and Jimin were about to bug him. When they were stoped by a doorbell.

"I will get it" Taehyung said rushing towards the door.

"HYUNG" A sudden scream was heard. Namjoon went to Taehyung thinking that he was calling him. But he was wrong. It was Jackson. He saw both of Jackson and Taehyung hugging each other. His eyes then suddenly travelled at a figure near them.

"Jackson are you just gonna meet him or should I leave??"

"Ah! No. First let me in." Jackson said broking the hug.

Three of them went to the living room followed by unknown male only known by Jackson

"Wang Hyung. After a long time I missed you a lot." Jimin rushed to hug Jackson.

"I missed you too Jimin, you have grown a lot." He said hugging Jimin back.

"Ummm.. Hey everyone". A voice spoke behind Jackson. "Jackson can I get introduction?"

"Oh yeah. So eveyone. Meet Him he is Jinyoung. My good friend. We meet at china almost One year ago." "And Jinyoung meet them He is Namjoon. My good friend and they are 'Taehyung' and 'Jimin' " Jackson said while pointing each of them

"Hey!! Jinyoung. Nice to meet you I'm Taehyung.Nice yo meet you and So If you are Jackson's Hyung friend then you might be my Hyung."

"Hey Taehyung. Nice to meet you too. You are cute" He said while showing a big smile.

"Fine you both forgot me. Namjoon and you too." Jackson said with a pout

"Yea. You stupid. You are the one who forget about. And didn't even greeted me a hi"

"But Jackson Hyung why are you here all of sudden." Jimin said while pressing his finger in his chin

"Me?? Oh You see The half of the mansion is empty. We will be staying together and Jinyoung too."

"You will stay with us. Yeah!!!!! We will have fun." Taehyung screamed the words.

"Ok ok but stop shouting." Jackson said putting his hand in his ears

"Hehe sorry" Taehyung said while giggling


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