Meeting New peeps

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All of them Reached Siddharth's House And went Inside...
Avneet's Pov
I'm Bored af !! Idk when is siddharth gonna return..But siddharth's mom and Some of her relatives.. relatives ?? well idk someone are obviously they can come who am i to stop them..its their house man.. But what if she asks me something ?? okay I'll try not to get nervous infront if her...


Why am i preparing Like  someone is coming To see me for marriage 🤦🏻‍♀️


What am i even saying ??

Stop it Avneet u've gone Mad..
I was lost in my idiotic Thoughts While I heard A bell..

OMG..they cameee....

I started Panicking

Godddd..they cameeee

Okay avneet calm down...and open the door..i said composing myself..
And then i went towards the door and opened it..And saw..their were Three People of them looked a lot like Siddharth Maybe its his brother.. and rest Two were Girls..they were quite pretty.. he's got such a cute family..but

Where's His Mother ??

Wait i Should Welcome them first like why am i standing on the door and starring them ??

God I'm soo dumbbbbb 😂

Avneet : Umm hi😅

One of the girl was soo shocked to see me like am i some ghost or what ??

Mein sahi toh lag rhi hoon na ??

Why is she starring at me ??

God I'm already soo panicked and here this girl is Starring at me making me panick moree..Kya karu mein mar jayu ?? Mere ko feeling nhi hai ??

We continued This starring Game until the Other girl spoke up

Okay i realised that was cringe

The other girl ( A/N I'm writing Other girl cause its Avneet's Pov otherwise its Vaishnavi ik y'all must have got it) :  Umm heey..I hope u won't mind having us inside ?? And reem.. don't u think starring at someone Ain't good ??

Oh yeah i should have told them to come inside
.and i got to know the other girl's Name..its Reem

Reem: oh sorry Di voh I was ..umm..i...Leave it I'll tell you guys let's go inside First not i the one supposed To be nervous ?? Why is she taking up my job ??

Avneet : Yeah sorry please come inside..

End of Pov

Reem's Pov
Waitttttt..whatttttt....she isss what i just want to scream right awayyyyy...Likeeee this birthday of jaiii became soooo special for himmmm..thankkk you goooddd..i loveee youu sooo muchhh.....

i was just soo happy that I didn't realise i was starring at avneet.. and she looked Nervous..oh yeah she doesn't know me..and i was starring at her lol😂😅

To end our super cringee (cringe×100 LMAO 😂) Starring game Vaishu di spoke up and after this soo long session outside..We went inside..avneet was looking nervous..wait i have to tell her jai will be coming today.. she'll be soo happy..but first let her be comfortable with us

Reem : Heey Avneet

Oh shit.. she'll be wondering why i know her namee

Avneet : Heey do know my name ??
Reem : I'll tell you let's sit down first
Avneet : Yeah sure
Reem : So tell us about yourselves like obviously if you are comfortable
Avneet : umm yes  i am..But what do u wanna know about me ??
Reem : Anything like About your family ??

i saw her getting nervous..shit why did i say that !!

Avneet : Umm..i don't know what to tell about them..but to be honest They don't like me and i just don't live with don't ask me why please

She said looking aside..okay ik that's obvious i shouldn't have asked that

Reem : Hey hey its okay..But Just wanted to ask..if you have a brother ?? or a sister maybe ??

Why am i being soo straight ?? Bhagwan give me some Brain while speaking

Avneet : Yeah i have one but we have not met since years 😔 I love him..And ik he too does.. He's the only one in my soo called Family who cares For me..And ukw its His birthday today..I miss him soo much..and this day reminds me of him Even more...

okay I don't wanna break the Fun.. let It be a surprise.. Jaineet's Reunion Will be sooo funnnn....

Reem : Oh that's Sad..but u never know if a miracle happens..Right ??

Avneet : I don't believe in miracles..
Reem : Oouch that hurts
Avneet : Umm Y'all tell me about You guys

Abhishek : Glad u guys Remembered us as well..😂
Avneet and reem :😅😅

Abhishek : Btw I'm Abhishek.. Siddharth's Brother..
Avneet : Hey I'm avneet..Great To meet you abhi bhai.. can i call u that..??
Abhishek : Obviously u can
**She Smiled**
Vaishnavi : And I'm Vaishnavi , Vaishnavi Rao
Avneet : Glad to meet you
Vaishnavi : Same here

Now I'm curious To know who did she met siddharth..Oh yeah maa said to ask Vaishu di..

Holla people We aree extremely sorry to bee sooo late..But We both were just not in a mood to write..moody people uk😂😂 But we'll Try.. Remember TRY to give Regular Updates now.. and again we're sorry 😂😅
Are u guys Excited For Jaineet's Reunion ??
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Will Avneet Tell Her past To jai ??
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Loadss Of Loveeeee
Hanika ( Haniyaah + Bhumika ) ❤️🌠

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