Avneet's Life

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Avneet's Pov
"Another Heactict day of my life, why am i even living in this hell ?? Can't i just get out and run away from here ?? But where would i even go ??  i litrally have no one in this world to whom i can go and hug tightly and release all the stress !! i need someone who would take care of me , like no one else, i need a shoulder to cry, i need a person who will console me that everything will be fine , i need a person who will take me out of this cruel world..but as its said there's nothing as a prince charming , its just a fantasy, u have to do everything by yourself , i myself have to get out of this hell !! But how ?? He won't even let me go anywhere 🥺🤧 Meri phooti kismat.. Anyways I'm currently in the kitchen Making Breakfast for my sweetest boyfriend *Note the sarcasm* Oh..sorry not boyfriend for my Forced boyfriend 🤷🏻‍♀️ *sighs* I don't know when will i even get a chance to meet my family , who doesn't even give a shit even if  I'm dying..okay leave that all.. I'm making some pancakes cause its his GIRLFRIEND'S Fav..no no not me..his actual GF , I'm just a maid to him🤷🏻‍♀️ her Name is Ritika !! And she's a true slut ! Like u won't believe me but i actually saw her on bed with Her bestfriend last night..even though being in a serious relationship with My Boyfriend..and this is not new they both are found making out with someone or the other everyday💁🏻‍♀️ and no one of them have a problem with that..like Wow👏 Rab ne Bana di jodi😂😂 I  don't know mujhe aur kitna wait karna padega breakfast ke liye.. oh.. didn't i tell u guys I'm not allowed to eat my food before They both have it😬 Likeee why fatee why ?? I waited for a few minutes sorry hours cause obvio they would take time🤐  And when i was just about to get up..i saw them..Their he is The Villian Sorry semi-villian of my life Cause first would be my dad Obvio🤷🏻‍♀️ And their he comes The Manjul Khattar !!  (A/N We know u guys would have guessed it already 🤷🏻‍♀️ But we just wanted to tell neither of us Hates or even dislikes Manjul its just for the story don't take it to personal life ! Both of us respects him )
Pov Ends
Author's Pov
Ritsman( ritika + Manjul ) sat down while avneet went to serve them their breakfast..both if them were quitely having their breakfast and avneet was Standing their waiting for them to finish until Ritike Shouted  !!
Ritika : What the hell ?? didn't i tell u to make Chinese (Like who has Chinese for breakfast ??Oh ritika does😂 )  for Breakfast today ??
" Itna saara kha liya..tab tak pata nhi chala ?? aisa kya ho gya achanak ?..and wait a min when did she told this ?? " Avneet muttered under her breath..which was too low for anyone to hear !!
Ritika : Answer u bitch.. I'm asking u something !!
Avneet : Welll..i don't remember when did u ask me to make that ?? i just cooked ur fav food 💁🏻‍♀️
And what else could happen ?? The very next moment avneet was pinned to the wall by Ritika or avneet's 😂 Boyfriend !!
Manjul : How dare u talk to her like that ?? Remember she's ur boss, understand ?? learn to respect Ur master😶 Get that bitch ??
Avneet was having difficulty in breathing, she couldn't speak anything so she just simply nodded !!
Manjul : Good, and listen we are going somewhere out !! I'll tell the servant to lock up the kitchen , cause we won't be having lunch..u can have something from this breakfast in lunch as well.. we gotta go !!
Avneet wanted to protest but she didn't wanted to get herself in trouble again so she agreed !!
Avneet's Pov
I'm not living in this hell anymore..common i have to do something  !! This can't be my life !! I want to achieve Everything !! I don't wanna stay with a person who treats me like a maid and beats me up whenever he wants to !! Yeah..he beats me..like evryday..and i can't even help it *Sighs * But what should i do ??
And after thinking for sometime a got an idea yess this would work !! I will.......
EOC 😂🤣
Boring ?? yeah we know But this chapter was quite Important ‼️ So we couldn't remove this!
Anyways Next one's Gonna be Siddharth's Lifestyle !! And about the Nigams !! Stay tuned To read Further ❤️💕
How do u think is Avneet's Father The villian Of her life ??
Do u think sidneet are gonna meet soon ??
One word for Manjul ??
One word for Ritika ??
And yes We are gonna Give Targets from the next one...!🌝
Fav Scene ?? Drop here
Reviews ?? Drop here
Something we should change ?? Drop here
Positive criticizism Accepted !!❤️💥
Lots of lovee
Hanika ( Haniyaah + Bhumika)❤️

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