Reunion Or Not ?

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Jai's pov
"I'm Here" I finally Said wiping my tears And talking All the attention ! And she turned towards me And stared at me with a shocking face...Tears Were continuesly Flowing From our eyes..
"Di😭" I said
And What happened The next moment Left me dumbstruck..

She ran Away And Locked Herself in a Room..i mean whyyy ??

End of Pov
Siddharth's Pov
And the reunion was going on perfectly until Avneet Ran inside and locked herself up in a Room..Wait what ?? is she running away from her own brother ?? if yes then why ??
I saw Jai crying..and shouting her name..He went to The Room Door And stood their crying and shouting..i was Totally Blank here..i didn't knew what was happening and all..why is she running from her own brother ??

Jai : ( Slapping The door) - Avniiiii.. Please bahar aaja..What happened ?? bruh i missed you..Kya hua tere ko andar kyu chali gyi ?? i swear I'll Not even take his name please tu bahar aaja aur bata mujhe..Did HE Do something wrong with you ?? Tera bhai hai tere saath tu dar mat bahar aa..

What ?? Who did something wrong with her ?? Who is That HE Jai is referring to ??

Avneet (Shouting from inside) : Nooo..u go from here.. please jai gooo ( while Sobbing)

Jai : Whyyyyyy ? Di please Open The door..Ek baar baat toh Kar lo.. please..ik i did wrong By not supporting you at that time but please Ek baar darwaza khol do di.. please

Avneet :No No No..

And the next moment Jai broke Down..And Me and reem Went To him..!!

SidReem : Hey hey Calm down jai..
Reem: I THINK she's just scared !
Siddharth : Scared ?? Scared Of What ??
Reem : Umm.. Nothing..i mean I don't know
Siddharth : U guys are definitely Hidding Something
reem : Yes we are..and its no time to talk about it !
Siddharth : Umm okay
Jai : (While still crying ) : Siddharth please tell come and talk to me...or atleast..tell me the reason
Siddharth : Avneet..Avneet..Open the door..madoo...
Avneet : Nooooo..Jai is gonna Tell Dad Where i am..And dad is gonna Take me Back to no.. He'll beat me..No I won't go their
Siddharth : Beat ?? Whoo --
Jai : (Cutting me Off ) : Di.. don't worry.. I'm not gonna tell anyone..i swear please Believe me..for once di please.. u won't regret Trusting me...Di please..
Avneet : What if u would ? Y'all Did The same thing Previously also..
Jai : But i won't this time.. pakkaa diiii (crying)
Sidddharth : What is all this happening will someone tell me ??
"Siddharth Go to Avneet And make her understand That jai is not take her anywhere please" Reem wispered To me
"Okay" I wispered Back

Sid : Acha Avneet Atleast Open the door for me.. I'm your friend right ??
Avneet : Pehle Promise Me u won't bring Anyone  along
Siddharth : I won't ,Promise

And she opened The door..And i went Inside And then She Locked the room !

Siddharth : Avneet can u tell me why are scared of your own brother ?? Okay sorry i know the reason..That he's gonna Take u to your parents and then they'll take you to someone who's gonna beat you.. right ?
  *She nodded*
Siddharth : But will yoy tell me Who is that someone ?? And why does that person Beat you ?
Avneet : Ab..i.. I'll tell you some day.. it's a long story 👀
Siddharth : okay But See i know jai from a long time..Ik how much he missed you..
Avneet : u knew He's my brother ?? That's why u brought me here.. isn't it ?? y'all are planning to send me to him..haina ?
Sidddharth : What the hell are u thinking ?? i knew that he had a sister but not that his sister is you..
Avneet *Sighed* : Okay sorry😔
Siddharth : And yeah jai will not tell about you to anyone..I swear trust me maddoo
Avneet : U sure ??
Siddharth: I'm disappointed now..U don't trust me even a bit right ?
Avneet : I do..but
Siddharth : No ifs And buts I said na he's not gonna tell about you to anyone okay ?
Avneet :
What is Avneet Gonna say ?
Will Jai be able to regain Avneet's Trust ??
Where do u think Jai didn't supported her in the past ??
Stay tuned to know💕
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Loadss Of Loveeeee
Hanika ( Haniyaah + Bhumika ) ❤️🌠

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