Past #1

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Avneet: Okay toh starting from the start i was never a really simple father has always like hated me from bachpan! Ammu supported me but she uk the 'mothers can't speak infront of fathers' thought was always in her mind,like she never really took care of me infront of papa but she was always the one Saving me from everything she sent me to school, sent me to Collage, personally i was like an introvert, but a bold girl, i had friends, but i was the one who had a limited friend circle and uk not really comfortable to talk to strangers, maybe because of my bakchground, i was always like scared, i was always afraid that my father will do something and won't let me study,i loved to study, likd uk it's in my viens I'm happy i atleast completed my bachelor's degree before going to that asshole's house so i was scared if i do any wrong thing in my school or college my father won't ever let me study again, he already thinks I'm the kalank on his name, uk he Always wanted me to go away from the family, i even tried sometimes to just go away, run away, but jai never let me,jai and me were like real close from the childhood like he always protected me in school,from papa,from mumma,from everyone,idk what happened to him when papa was sending me their, but i love him, he has been their for me always,and I'm happy for him, he's the favourite child of the family,he was always given love, but whenever he spoke about me papa seemed like he isn't interested, else all his talks and advices were taken seriously, always,somehow i became really normal to this, like this was my normal life,And i was happy like not really but okay living my life waiting for my degree to complete so that i can leave from here and go do a master's degree then take up a job and stay out of country, settle their, and live their forever, never come back to this toxic life,never disturb people who don't want me,but who knew the day i was got my degree is gonna be the worst day of my life, i suddenly heard a noice and went outside then saw my father talking to a tall, handsome, arogant man, i raised my eyebrows towards my mother asking her what's happening but she just cried and didn't say anything then my father called me, and said Hey Avneet, Meet Your fiance,The Manjul Khattar, and that moment i was shocked till death, I didn't knew how to react, tears left my eyes but i didn't knew what to say what to speak i was numb, and it was too much for me to take at that point of time, finally after coming back to the reality i started speaking: but papa I don't even--
he cutted me off
Avneet don't speak infront of your to-be husband ! you're gonna marry him have some manners !
i continued gathering some courage-
I shouted at top of my voice, but the next second i regretted it, cause i got two slaps
one from my father,and one a virtual slap on my personality because of the looks he gave me, looking at me with the creepy intentions he had, i totally got it and just glared him, just to get another slap from my father, then after this family drama i went to my room, cried for hours, for days,my friend circle tried cheering me,but to no avail, they knew this wasn't gonna heal,i had to go to someone's house ! I had to marry the person I didn't even knew, after a few months we got engaged, he took me to his house, introduced me to the biggest bitch in the world,
sid cutted her off--
Why didn't you run away?
I couldn't they were always with me kabhi Manjul,kabhi papa, kabhi mumma
sid didn't answer but kept looking at her
anyways so were was i--
yep he introduced me to his girlfriend she totally warned me to stay away from her bf,and just to be his 'Formal Wife' She then proudly said , they can beat me anytime they want and i can't go against them, i have to do everything in the house , i can't go outside the house , i just can't do anything , I'll not get to talk to my friends , nor to my family , nor to my parents none , she also warned me that their should be strictly 'NO PHYSICAL MOMENTS' between me and majul the only thing i was relieved off , then after that few monthe went by and we got married , i spent my worst years their, they tortured me, beat me till death, didn't let me eat , sleep , do anything , but somehow my life was passing it did go like this for 1 year and 10 Months and then after that one night-----
**Suddenly Sweat Started forming on avneet's forehead she got super nervous,and she was like looking like she's just gonna faint**
Sid : Avneet, it's fine if you're not comfortable , we can try some other day , okay ?
Avneet : Nahh **breathing heavily** I'll say it all today
Sid : pakka ?
Avneet nodded her head assuring him she's fine🐁
Heyy Ppl haha regular update ? surprised right ? lmao anyways i ended the chapter because 🎃
because 🎃
because 🎃
because 🎃
because sun meri baat it's my choice 😔🥚
no Actually because i wanted to tell that half part of her past in the next chapter , kuch suspense bhi toh hona chahiye ki nhi🥚😔
okay khatam tata bye bye good night 😗
oh sorry morning
nhi afternoon
jo bhi hai bye😗

my father has always like hated me from bachpan! Ammu supported me but she uk the 'mothers can't speak infront of fathers' thought was always in her mind,like she never really took care of me infront of papa but she was always the one Saving me fr...

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Hanika ( Haniyaah + Bhumika)

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